All Alone

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I couldn't just lay there on the ground, I had to run away. I picked my self up and tried to run. I was already feeling weak and exhausted but I kept going. The further away i was the better off i would be. There was a forest ahead, I headed there. The voices of all the royal guests haunted my mind. Them screaming calling me a monster, everything i wanted it to stop. By the time I made it to the forest I was crying and screaming "leave me alone! Im not a monster". I started coughing even harder getting colder. I was left out here in the snow all alone or so i thought. In between 2 trees a tall man in a black dress looking robe appeared. His hair was spiked and black but his eyes were a yellow gold. I found courage to spoke "w-who are you?" I stuttered. "My name is Pitch black. I am fear its self, i know your fears." He explained, wait black pitch? Where did I hear that name before? Oh yeah In that book Anna gave me. But that was a book a old tales, its not true. "Of coarse its true Elsa. We are all true" he said. "How do you know my name and how did you-" he cut me off and said "I know everything. Starting with you being a monster!" "Im not a monster" i yelled. "But you are, you killed your own parents. You hurt your sister and for that you were casted out. Now all the citizens of Arendelle want to destroy you." He said. What was he talking about, when i looked back towards him he was gone. I couldnt find him but when I looked back behind me i seen a red glow in the distance. Taking a few steps towards in my view became clearer, it was a mob! They was holding tourches amd chanting rymes. They kept getting closer and closer, I tried to find out where i could run to then i seen it. The north mountain, nobody has ever survived up there but its my only choice. I picked up my dress and started running to my new destination.

It seemed like forever, im half way up the mountain. My legs are getting numb and so are my hands. I keep coughing rapidly, its becoming more and more of a blizzard around me as i keep climbing. I took a look behind me to notice that the mob was gone, but then felt a sharp ache in my head that made me fall to the ground. I tried and tried to get up but couldnt. My eyes became heavy and my sight was blury. "Help... P-please..." I called out. I was really desperate i knew nobody could hear me but I tried any way. Eventually i gave up, I guess this is the end for me. I managed to roll my self over and kept my eyes shut. The world was slowing down, i could only open my eyes for every few minuets. I was dieing, i felt my body freeze and when i tried to open once more i thought i seen an angel. An angel with black hair and red innocent eyes. That was that last thing i remember before I blacked out.

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