Leaving the kids and missing Jack

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It's been almost two hours since the crissoning. Most of the guests have left to head home or go off to their home land. To my surprise Jack hasn't shown up still and it's eating me alive to know where he is and if he is alright. "Elsa I've got a tummy ache" Kristoff whined. "I believe it's because of all that cake you ate" I said giggling. He looked up at me with pitiful eyes. "Oh alright. Let's take you and your brother on up to your rooms to get you into bed"

"Anna hand me Sven, please, I'm going to take them to their rooms." I stated. "I'll help. Plus I'm trying to get away from creep-o over there" she whispered the last part." I just laughed. I picked up Kristoff while on held Sven. "Hey Elsa I'll put him in his crib and meet you down in the study when your finished with Kristoff alright?" Anna asked. I nodded in reply. I walked into Kristoff's room and layed him under his bed sheets. "Elsa, will I be seeing you again soon?" He asked sleepily. "You will be seeing me anytime you need to." I replied. In my hands I made a pendent that had a snowflake that was in the middle of a flame. "Whenever your in danger or you need anyone. Hold this in your hand and say 'I need you', I will come as soon as needed and help" I stated wrapping the pendant around his neck. "Oh I almost forgot. I have you a new hat" I said placing it on his head. "Thank you" he replied. I was getting up to leave before being tackled with a hug. "I wish you didn't have to go" Kristoff said while having tears in his eyes. I hugged him back and kissed his forehead. He fell asleep within minuets of holding him. I layed him back under the covers and was walking out the door. Turning around to look at the sleeping child once more I replied softly "I wish I didn't have to leave as well."

I walked into Svens room to see him asleep in his crib. I tucked him in under his snowman blanket and kissed him goodbye. I crept out of his room and made my way down the hall to the study. "Anna?" I asked knocking on the door. "Come in!" Said a voice behind the door. I walked in to see Anna sitting at our old fathers desk with papers she is signing. "Look, I just have one more paper to sign before I'm an official parent." She stated. I hummed in reply. "Are you sure you want to give them to me? I've seen how you are with them Elsa, I know that look. That's the look of a mothers love. And honesty I would be soooooo much better as the fun crazy aunt who looks after them on the weekends" she said. "Honestly Anna I don't know. If they are with me then they are in danger. I can't have that for them especially now while pitch is lurking around. I just want you and them safe. I would love to be a mom truthfully, but, I can't. Plus I know you would be a great mother! You would be the mom making them chocolate chip pancakes and riding a bike around the halls with them." I said back. "I believe in you and I will come see them as much as I can." I added.

She smiled in response. A silent moment washed upon us as we were thinking in silence. "Wait a ticking second!" Anna bursted out. "You missy still need to tell me everything about that ring on your left hand! So spill it sister!" "Alright alright. Yes Jack did propose and it was so romantic. We were out in the woods with snow falling over us. There was a table under a large tent with candles in jars all around. Anna I swear it feels like a fairy tail, all of this. Being a queen, having powers, becoming a guardian, and now being engaged to a wonderful person." I said and looked over at Anna. She had big glistful eyes shining along with every word I said. "I agree. Your life is a fairy tale, but when will mine begin?" She asked. "Oh Anna. It will I promise and I never go back on my promises. But however I must be leaving. It's getting late." I hugged my sister one last time and transported back into my castle.

I made a night gown and pinne my hair into a bun. "Jack?" I called out through the empty castle. I walked down a long hall. "Jack?!" I called again. All there was, was silence. "Elsa!" I heard a voice say. I darted down the hall to a room where the voice came. I opened the door to see marshmallow making cookies. I was somewhat disappointed it wasn't jack. "Oh hi marshmallow, have you see jack?" I asked. "He came back shortly after you and the children left. He told me to tell you that he has some urgent business with the other guardians and will be back soon." He said. "Alright than you marshmallow!" I exclaimed. I walked back into my room and sat down on my bed. I hope jack is alright I'm still worried. After pulling setting my head down on the pillow I fell asleep in an instant.

Light was all around me. I was walking on nothing. "Hello?" I asked. "Anyone there?" I asked again. I kept walking till I came to a red door. I opened it slightly to see Norths workshop but it was different. It was decorated with white roses and snowflake decorations and a few fire decorations on the walls around me. There was another set of doors in front of me. "There you are!" A bubbly voice exclaimed. "Elsa it's almost time!" Anna said running up to me in a red dress that had white wrappings on it. "Anna where am I? And what's going on?" I asked. "You're kidding right?" She asked. "Oh no! Your wedding dress is getting wrinkled!" She said looking down "my wedding what?" I said. I looked down to see a white slick dress that had red fading down it from my hips. "Here is your vail. I'll see you on the other side!" She said walking away into the distance. The vail was a see through red that had a snowflake pattern. I set it on my head and turned towards the doors. Taking a deep breath I reached for the knobs. I slowly opened and walked through the doors.

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