Thirty-Four: too righteous and sweet

Start from the beginning

"Fine why not..." Mia smiles while Ben drapes his arm around my shoulder in a friendly way, I hope. At that moment I feel a presence behind the couch, you know like when you're driving a car and you know the driver of the car next to you is watching you, you just know. I turn around and my eyes meet two familiar grey ones. It's Lukas. He briefly smiled at me before looking away, diverting his gaze to Ben's arm around my shoulder and I immediately feel uncomfortable, like I did something wrong.

Without a single expression on his face he walks around the couch, sitting down on the floor, his knees bend in front of him. What the...There is enough space on the couch next to me...He's not even looking at me... still ignoring me... My eyes trailed over the ink on his hands until they met his light grey hoody and black frayed jeans. God why can't I keep my eyes off him while he's trying so hard not to look at me. What did I do wrong?

"What's wrong?" Ben whispered after I sighed again, a bit too loud, looking confused back and forth between Lukas and I. "Trouble in paradise?" He winked.

"What paradise?" I scoffed, looking at Lukas who is organizing the deck of cards his eyes focused on it.

"Oh come on Bella, he likes you... It takes a blind person not to notice and even then..." Ben laughed quietly, smirking at Lukas, but Lukas acted like we were behind a curtain, like we didn't exist.

"Well, if he likes me, he should act like it!" I hissed, annoyance dripping from my voice. I'm letting him get to me and I don't like it at all!

"He's probably just confused... As far as I know he has never liked someone the way he likes you." He tried his best to comfort me but it's not exactly working. Lukas is doing a number on me, making me more frustrated every second he ignores me.

"I don't know why you think that... He clearly doesn't care!" I growled at Ben, feeling sorry at the same time because it isn't his fault.

When they started playing cards I politely declined because I wasn't feeling these games anymore, they usually don't end well for me. I watched Lukas play with Jason, Ben and his sister and I was feeling like the fifth wheel more than ever because he kept ignoring me round after round as I languished away on the couch. Round after round, they were getting more drunk and my lack of intoxication was feeding my frustration. Fuck it, this is the worst night ever! I'm going to get a drink for myself.

Without saying a word, I stood up from the couch and adjusted my skirt hoping it would catch Lukas's attention. It worked, for the first time his eyes trailed over my body before stopping at my lips, which I was strategically nibling.

Making my way to the kitchen I was hoping to be followed by a particular guy with grey eyes and finger tattoos but instead I was alone in a bright and big kitchen, and immediately the song "All by myself" popped in my mind. Great.

After opening several cabinets and sighing frustrated, I finally found a clean shot glass, which was almost to high up for me to reach, but hey, nothing a bit of stretching can't fix. Next up, alcohol. Where would I hide it? From my familiar experience I opened the cabinet under the sink and found a secret stash of something that looked like Scotch. At this point, the stronger, the better. I put the bottle on the counter and filled my shot glass.

I hesitated a moment, knowing I was going to go down a path I'd rather not walk, before putting the glass to my lips and chugging it down at once. I coughed at the strong taste and burning liquid that was sliding down my throat.

"Easy on the alcohol Bells, or do you want me to carry your ass home like last time..." A husky voice startled me like I was caught doing something I shouldn't be doing. I looked up and saw Lukas leaning in the doorpost with his hands in his pockets, his eyes dark and his lips covered with a smirk.

"How long have you been standing there?" I hissed at him, which was unnecessary because I had him right where I wanted him, here with me, alone. Still, I was agitated by him for ignoring me.

"Long enough to know you have never tried Scotch." He frowned his brows and stepped closer, leaving the doorpost behind.

"Why do you care, huh? I don't need you looking after me. I can handle myself pretty fine!" I said confidently while pouring another drink. "See..." I scoffed before putting the glass to my lips once again, this time prepared for the strongness of the Scotch. I tilted my head back and slammed the glass back on the counter, empty, my lipstick softly staining the rim.

"I saw how you handled yourself last time, it ended with your head in the toilet." He mocked, coming around the corner to stand next to me. He lifted one hand from his pocket and slid his finger around the bottle, pulling it away from my reach. "I think you've had enough..." He slightly shook his head dismissively.

"I was in that mess because of you and you know it!" I scoffed, trying to take back the bottle but he held it firmly in his hand. I looked, shooting daggers. How does he go from ignoring me one minute to bossing me around the next! I'm not having it!

"How was that my fault?" Lukas said, slightly slurring as he's probably a bit tipsy from the card game. He pulled the bottle from my hands and put his body between me and the counter, leaving me completely out of reach from it. God why are you so freaking tall. I looked up meeting his dark eyes and messy hair which send butterflies to my stomach, taking me to a place where anger almost doesn't exist, almost.

"Olivia only made me drink, because she is obsessed with you! She thinks you and I are a thing... But hey I'm not your type right, she doesn't have anything to worry about." I rolled my eyes at him while putting my hands in the pockets of his hoody, pulling him closer to me, much to his surprise as he squinted his eyes at my sudden action.

"True, you're not my usual type." He whispered while his finger flicked the tip of my nose. "You're too righteous and sweet." He smirked while folding his arms in front of him. I stared at him as he spoke wrapping my head around his words. How could you freaking kiss me if I'm not your type! Is that why he's ignoring me? Because he realized I'm not his type?

"I'm not innocent and sweet Lukas!" I scoffed at him in my defense pulling him even closer to my body, making our bodies one. He unfolded his arms and put them around my shoulders, almost too carefully, like I was made if glass. But his face told a different tale as his lips were parted, his eyes filled with something other than caution.

"Yes, you are Bells." He laughed; his beautiful eyes playful with a hint of seriousness as his hands moved down my arms. I'm not! I can be the opposite of that! I'm sick of everyone thinking I need to be treated with prudence like I'm broken. I'm sick of him thinking I'm innocent.

"Follow me!" I said while taking his hand without an explanation. I expected him to pull away, to ignore me like he had been doing the entire evening but instead he intertwined his fingers with mine as I pulled him away from the counter.

After taking long strides upstairs, almost taking two stairs at a time I fidgeted with the first door in the hallway, Lukas's hand still holding on to mine.

"What are you doing?" A smirk appeared on his face as I pulled him to the second door. This one opened, behind it an empty bedroom, the black painted walls almost coloring gold as a little lamp in the corner of the room created a cozy setting. Perfect.


💕 Hi Loves! I promise I won't let you wait long for the next chapter because it's an exciting one 🔥🔥

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