I'm So Sorry~BMC

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Michael's POV
I was sitting at lunch, and Jeremy walked in super jittery.
"Michael!" He squealed standing in front of me. I swallowed the sushi in my mouth and pulled my headphones down.

"What's up dude?" I asked him, leaning my elbows against the table.
He smirked proudly and did dramatic jazz arms.
"Notice anything different?"
I scanned his entire frame.
He was wearing his usual jeans and striped shirt. Same curly mop of hair. My eyes landed on his head and I jumped in in fright.

"You didn't get a Squip did you?!"
He smile dropped and his eyes were struck with panic.
"W-What?! No! No, that's not it. It's *giggle* something much better."
He did dramatic arms again.
I stared at his bicep.
His hand was normal colored, instead of the inky splotch that indicated where his soulmate would touch him. So that means...

"You met your soulmate?!" I yelled, grabbing his hand. Yep, normal colored.
"Yes!! She was touching my arm, but then I realized my soulmate mark was gone, and I... nearly fainted."
I laughed and plopped down, excited for my friend but suddenly feeling disheartened.

Jeremy saw this and sat down next to me.
"I... I'm sorry man I-"
"No it's fine."
I stared down at my soulmate mark, my eyes stingingly slightly.
Wherever you and your  soulmate would touch for the first time, you'd have a black mark on your skin, kind of like an ink stain.

Which is why it scared me so much, that right across my right knuckles was my inky black stain.
Which is why I always think twice before punching people now. Well, not like I punch people on a regular basis but... you get it.

So instead of feeling bad for me, or scared for my soulmate...
I plastered on a smile and slapped a hand down on Jeremy's shoulder.
"Well that's awesome man! Who is she?"
Suddenly his eyes turned to hearts and he sighed dramatically.
"Christine~ Canigula~"
Oh my lord.

*time skip*

I walked down the hallway, my book bag slung over my shoulder.
I was heading out to my car, contemplating my soulmate. What possible reason could I have for punching them? Did they do something wrong?

I stood still in the doorway, holding my elbow.
Where they a bad person?
I mean, even if they were, apparently we were meant to be. So, I had to make things work.
But they must not love their first interaction being violent.

Or maybe it wasn't violent, maybe we were just going to brush knuckles or something.
I hope that was it because I-
I screeched and spun around, my fist incoming into something hard. When I looked down there was a girl, holding her jaw in pain on the floor.

I sat, breathing heavily from the scare for a second, and then it hit me.
My knuckles weren't black anymore.
I looked down and she stared up at me.
"Ow! What the hell dude?! I was just trying to scare you!" She got up and I sat staring at like an idiot, no words coming out of my mouth.
I just punched my soulmate in the face, in the face, and... and...
Oh my god she was gorgeous.

Her eyebrows furrowed.
"Hello? God I didn't scare you that bad did I? I was just tying to make you move, cause you were kind of standing there in the doorway." She laughed, rubbing her jawline still.
Finally I was able to stutter out,
"O...oh my g...god I'm so sor-sorry!"
She smile din return and looked down at her hand.

"Damn my concealers coming off. I have a-"
Then she stopped cold, pulling a tiny compact mirror out of her bag.
She licks she thumb and rubbed at her jawline, concealer rubbing off. She gasped.
"My... my cheeks purple." She whispered.
"I-I know... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"
She cut me off by dropping her mirror and grabbing my neck, pressing her lips to mine.

I was frozen with shock, and stumbled back, nearly falling.
My eyes closed and I held her waist while she hugged me, leaning closer to my ear.
"It's not black anymore." She whispered.
I nodded and buried my face in her shoulder.
"I'm so sorry." I said again.
"Well I'm Y/N."

I giggled and let her go, letting her step back.
"Michael, and I'm-"
"Sorry. Yep we covered that." She smiled and  pecked my cheek, making my face warm slightly.
"I don't care, I was just scared you'd be abusive or crazy or something. That would be difficult to finesse." She laughed, rolling her eyes.

"Well... uh... let me make it up to you! Wanna go get slushies with me?" I asked her, swinging my ca keys around my index finger.
She scoffed. "Uh, duh!"
I smiled too and opened the door for her, unable to rip my gaze away from her.
I never really thought about them being attractive, or really caring I guess.

But Y/N was gorgeous. I wanted to touch her hair so badly, her (e/c) eyes demanded attention, and I wanted to kiss her again till my lips were numb.
I pointed to my car and she whistled, running her finger down the hood.
"She's beautiful." She smiled.

We got in and before starting the car, I pulled her head towards me, kissing her again.
She hummed sweetly and wrapped her arms around my neck. I reached back and held the back of her head, pushing her closer with my hand and touching her silky hair.
I was in pure bliss in this moment, (basically) making out with my soulmate in my car, who forgives me for punching her, was drop dead gorgeous, and loved my car.
Whereas Jeremy talked to "Christine" once and that was it.

As bad as it was, my only thought was how I couldn't wait to brag to Jeremy later.


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