Let Me Help~BMC

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Requested by @Cloudlx
Squipped!Rich x Heere!Reader
Thanks you for the wonderful suggestions!

Jeremy and I hopped off the bus, walking inside the school. We both shared a mutual hatred of school, as did most kids, but we hated it particularly because of our peers.
Kids are mean.

I stop by my locker which is on the opposite end of the hall as Jeremy's, to find a note labeled "Weirdo-Freak" taped to the door. I groan and Jer ruffles my hair sadly. I waved as he walked off.

After pulling out my textbooks and shoving my jacket in my locker, I slammed it shut.
I walked down to where Jeremy's locker was, but instead saw a rather scary scene playing out in front of me.
Rich, holding Jeremy up to the lockers, smirking evilly.

"Loser." He laughed wickedly, pulling a marker out of his back pocket.
"Let me go Rich!" Jer whined.
I stared with a blank expression, holding my arms out like I could stop him, but it was pointless.

But the Rich glanced at me, his gaze stopping once we made eye contact. His evil expression faltered and he dropped Jeremy, not taking his eyes off me.
You know what they say about lions, so I didn't take my eyes off him either.

He cleared his throat uncomfortably and stepped towards me.
I backed up warily.
"Please don't hurt me." I mumbled out, pressing myself up against the wall.
"No, I'm not-" his head twitched and I saw a flicker of bright blue flash in his eyes before he abruptly walked away.

That was... weird.
I sped over to Jer. "You okay?" I asked him.
He nodded.
"Yah, what's you say to him?"
I shrugged, watching Rich cruise down the hall, his red streak peeking out of his bandana.
Really weird.

*Time Skip*

Rich's POV
I walked into the art room, trying to find Jake, but the only person in there was...

I smiled. She was standing on her toes, trying to reach something on the top shelf of the supply cabinet. She just barely had it in her reach, and made the cutest noises trying to get it.
Perfect, this is a great opportunity to assert dominance. Go mess with her stuff on the table there.
What? No.
Rich you need to listen. If you want to be popular you can't like people like her-
I need a minute or two Squip free.

I walked up behind her, watching for another second while she tried to reach paintbrushes.
"Let me help you." I offered picking her up by the waist and blistering her up.
She made the most adorable squeak noise and reached up to grab the brushes.
"Thank you." She breathed out.

"Would you believe no one offered to-"
I set her down and we made eye contact, dangerously close to each other.
She stopped talking and stared at me, before squealing and falling backwards.

"Whoa! You okay?"
Now she just looked... confused.
"Why are you helping me?" She smirked.
I grabbed her wrist, helping her up.
"Because, I like you."
She went red.

Shoot, I didn't mean to say that.
"But, you bully me and my brother all the time." She whispered, her head hanging.
"Not... because I want to." I frowned.
I pulled her chin up with my finger, staring at her eyes.

I scanned her whole face, and she looked confused as heck, but so pretty.
My gaze fell to her lips, and she noticed.
Before I knew it, some strange forced was pushing us closer together, and my lips were on hers. I don't know how it happened, but I wasn't complaining.

It was like making out with silk. Her lips were so soft, and she tasted like cherry slushies.
I moved my hand to her waist, kissing her deeper.
I was kissing freaking Y/N, and didn't even need any Squip-assistance. Suck it!

Jeremy's POV
Okay, so I think Y/N said she was going to the art room. She must be in here then because lunch already started 10 minutes ago and she wasn't there yet.

I veered the corner, peeking through the door.
"Y/N, are you-" I stopped dead in my tracts.
I saw Y/N standing in there, making out with Rich Goranski. My heart nearly stopped.
What the hell's going on here?

"N/N? What's going on?!" I yelled.
She froze and stumbled away from Rich.
He was red in the face and just stared at my sister, not even acknowledging my existence.
"Hey Jer." She mumbled, smiling.

I was utterly confused.
Rich glanced at me in annoyance and stepped towards the door.
"See ya N/N." He waved. She giggled.
But before leaving he whispered to me,
"Your sister's a damn good kisser Heere."
I'd punch him if I thought I could get away with it.


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