P1:She Deserves Better~BMC

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Requested by @WatermelonCatDog and

Michael's POV
Jeremy and I sat at our lunch table, admiring the populars. Well, for two different reasons though.
Jeremy watched them with envy, because I knew he wanted to be popular. Popularity wasn't something that concerned me too much.

I sat admiring one popular in particular.
Y/N Kropp.
She sat between Brooke and Dustin, her brother's arm around her shoulders. Their resemblance was
B. Stupid different

I have liked Y/N for a long time, but guys like me couldn't be with girls like her. She was gorgeous and funny and her smile lit up the room like the sun.
I on the other hand, was a gangly weirdo.
There wasn't really anything wrong with me, but our social statuses were too different.

Also she was dating Jake Dillinger.
Ugh. Just his name send venom dripping from my mouth. I hated him.
Really I was just jealous of him.
He got to be with Y/N.

He got to see what and her blush, what made her giggle, feel better, upset. He got to comfort her when she was down, get her gifts, kiss her, hug her...
You get the point. I don't like him.

"Michael, you good?" Jeremy asked.
I realized my fists were clenched, and I stood up.
"I'm gonna stop by 7/11." I grunted, walking out to my car.

I fell into my seat and jammed the key in the ignition, letting the roar of the engine calm my nerves.
It really did suck loving someone so completely and knowing they don't love you back. God I sound like a weirdo.

I drove to 7/11, swerving into a spot, not really caring too much about my parking job.
When I stepped in I grabbed my usual slushie, extra large cherry, but right as I was about to grab a cup, someone's hand collided with mine.

I pulled back abruptly and stepped away.
"Sorry you go ahead." I mumbled.
I heard a soft giggle and one of the sweetest voices I've ever heard. "Thanks."
My eyes peeled up and there stood Y/N, right in front of me.
I was frozen in place. She smiled at me.

"Oh, hey Michael!" She said cheerfully.
Now I absolutely couldn't move.
She knew my name? How did she know my name?
I watched her pour half cherry into her cup, and half coca-cola.
"Michael?" She repeated, waving a hand over my face. Right, I still wasn't moving.
"Heh, h-hey Y/N." I stuttered out.
Ugh, get a grip Mell!

Now she looked frozen, but blushed a little bit.
Oh my god it was beautiful. Did I do that?
"Y-you know my name?" She smiled.
How... do I even react to this?
"Oh my god, of course I know your name! Your Y/N Kropp!" I smiled.

Her smile dropped.
"Right, you know my brother then?" She frowned, placing hand on her hip.
"Oh! No t-that's not what I meant. Just, hmph." I was stumped.

Her stern expression soon cracked and she erupted into giggles, covering her mouth with her hand.
I smiled, but pulled her hand down.
"Don't cover it, it's cute."
She went red and handed me a cup.
"You gettin' a slushie or what?"

We got drinks and walked outside, leaning in the hood of my car. I couldn't help but stare at her eyes, like my gaze was superglued to her.
I couldn't help it, and I didn't want to look away.
"Can I tell you the truth?" She sighed, her gaze turning away from mine. I scooted closer.

"O-of course you can."
She frowned.
"I don't really like my friends."
I almost laughed.
"Yah, I don't really like your friends either."
She looked at me and burst out laughing, bringing her hand down over mine.
My face heated up as I was overwhelmed by the contact.
"I don't think anyone does." She smiled, her eyes burrowing into my heart.

I burned the imagine into my brain, Y/N holding(ish) my hand, drinking a slushie, smiling at me on my car.
"Well I mean, you like some of them right?"
She shrugged.
"I like Dustin, obviously. And I like Brooke. But their all kind of boring, and have weird interests." She frowned, rubbing her thumb back and forth on my knuckles.
"Well what about Jake?" I plastered on a fake smile.

She pulled her hands away and crosse she'd arms thoughtfully.
"I... just don't know anymore." She sighed.
That was all I needed.
This is the best day ever.


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