New Girl~ 21CS

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I knock on the door to my homeroom and walk in. The class ceases and watches me tentatively, trying to get a read I can tell, but just as quickly they go back to whatever distractions they were attending to before.

After a brief exchange of words with the teacher, I took a seat closer to the back and pulled out my drawing pad.

I knew since I was new here, and came from an advanced school, I would know most of the material and it would be a breeze.

I honestly just needed some kind of education to help me get through Sophomore year. So I transferred to Park Vista Community High School to get my smarts.
Good plan, right?
Yah I know.
This should be easy.

I scanned the room, surveying students and their demeanors. Who was shy, who was outgoing, who was smug or self-assured, who was mean and nice.

I scan and see a girl wearing a backwards white cap, and bright pink pants. She looks a little off, like maybe she got held back a lot, or was a student teacher with kids clothes on.
Point being, she looked too old to be here.
Stay away from her. I made a mental note.

I continued to scan through kids, until the kid next to me caught my eye. He was staring at me, his eyes wide and unblinking.
Was I really that prominent?

"Hi." I spoke in a low voice, as not to disrupt the class.
The boy had a blue and red striped shirt, a mop of curly brown hair on his head, and his face was littered with acne and freckles.
His eyes stood misty as he continued to gaze at me.
He was kinda cute.

"Hello?" I said a little louder, waving my hand in front of his face. He suddenly came to his senses, his eyes blinking and his face flushing red.
"Uh- hi. What's up?" He stuttered.

"You were staring." I informed him.
His red tint plummeted deeper.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." He said, smiling awkwardly.
"You weren't, I was just letting you know."
He smiled a real smile this time and stuck his hand out.

"I'm Justin. LaBoy."
I took his hand, giving it a firm shake.
"Y/N. L/N. Nice to meet you Justin."
His smile burned into my brain, it was a pleasant sight.
"Y/N," he repeated. "Pretty name."
I felt my stomach get slightly fluttery, and his face went bright red.

"Uh, sorry- did I say that out l-loud?"
I nodded.
"It's fine. You have a pretty name too."
He laughed.
"And your's is very handsome."
I giggled, something I feel I hadn't done in a long while. It felt so good.

It made me giggle more.
This boy... was something else.
Something wonderful.
He was sensitive, I could read it in his stature and voice, and kind.

Justin's POV
Whoaaa she was pretty.
Like, she was obviously very attractive, from the second she walked in, but then I heard her giggle.

It was like at that very moment, her aura grew a vibrant yellow, like the sun.
She was absolutely gorgeous.
It took all my will power to not hug her, or immediately ask her out right now.

"So you're new, right?" I asked.
Good, safe conversation topic.
"Yah, it's kinda complicated. I really only need somewhere to go to school."
"Just for sophomor-"
"Don't interrupt. Yes, just for sophomore year. At my last school, it was an advanced curriculum, so I should pretty much breeze through these courses, and then I can get out of here."

I paused, making sure she was done talking.
"Why what?"
"Why do you want to leave?"
She bit the inside of her mouth.
"Because, all of this is not exactly my skill level."

I nodded. Honestly, I thought the learning system here was pretty easy too, it's just the atmosphere that I've grown attached to.

"Well, maybe I can be your guide. Help you around, show you classes and teachers and stuff." I offered.
She smirked.
"I think I can manage. But thanks, Justin."
She smiled, it was beautiful.

She got up, and I suddenly realized that everyone was getting up.
The bell must have rung, weird that I didn't  hear it.

As she walked away, her hair swooshing with every step, I felt my eyes linger a little longer than they should have.
But I couldn't move them. It was like I was getting hypnotized, and I was totally good with it.
This girl was going to be the life, and death of me.


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