Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Zack watches me with the kindest eyes I've ever seen, they're oozing in affection. A small smile tugs at his lips but soon his features deflate into frustration.

"Seems like I am to my father."

I pull my hands away, taking a gulp of my fizzy drink.

"What did he say this time?"

Zack plays with his straw, completely out of it.

"He's ready to fucking disinherit me."

My eyes widen.

"What?" I swear I should like a dolphin, "Over football?"

I'm beyond astounded, I'm disgusted and insulted—for Zack.

"Yeah," Zack scoffs, "It's beyond pathetic."

"Pathetic? That's downright insulting," I am fuming, "How can he do that?"

Zack sneers, his anger radiating at toxic levels.

"Have you met my father? He's the most selfish person I've ever known."

Zack's father is the most boring, most basic human I've ever met. He's so traditional and stuck on family norms and values from his Japanese heritage that he can't seem to think with an open mind. Even for his son, who's an extraordinary football player. Everything Zack does, his father is like a bitchy disappointing mess. For him, Zack playing football is like the end of the world, as if football is like the black plague.

Evidently, Zack's father wants him to excel in more challenging, academic studies instead of losing brain cells throwing around a ball—his father's words. All he sees is the endless rowdiness and parties that Zack is surrounded by and thinks with a closed mind. Never once has he opened his eyes and seen Zack play with passion burning in his veins. He's never attended any of his games and if he did, he would see just how hard Zack plays and what kind of torture he puts his body through.

All for his passion for football, something he adores.

I know for a fact that Zack really wants to be praised by his father. Yeah, sure he plays football because he loves the game but he also wants to show his father how good he is. Fathers of other guys on the team always attend games yet the QB's father is always absent. Not that Zack cares, in the beginning, yeah it hurt him but now he only cares about him and how good he plays. But I'm always there, supporting him, cheering his name.

Not bothering to understand the passion his son has for the sport, his father also dismisses Zack's Einstein-level grades. Zack excels in academic studies and always ranks the highest, whilst keeping his head in the game, yet his father is still not satisfied.

Tilting my head, I try to clear my head of all the jumbled thoughts about this entire situation, coming to a conclusion that will help Zack in some way at least.

"Zack, you can't take this shit from him. He's already cut off your financial support," don't even get me started on that bullshit, "If it wasn't for your scholarship and racing, you wouldn't even be here. You're independently supporting yourself, can't he see how responsible you are. And how passionate you are about football."

No one knows but me how hard Zack works for himself, football, and his studies.

His father had the audacity to cut off Zack's financial support for his studies. I felt so angry when he told me this that I nearly felt like screaming. Thanks to his scholarship, Zack is able to focus on his game and studies without the worry of paying tuition. The only expenses he has to provide himself is living. That he gets from racing.

Zack street races. And he's one of the best, if not, the best.

Zack's taken me down to The Creek to many of his races and it's the most exhilarating experience of my life. I'd never get tired of it.

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