Demons Are A Girl's Best Friend

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You looked at Demiurge as you picked your way through the landscape, thoughts racing. How did he know you would be showing up? Why was he waiting for you? Would he even like you, now that he wasn't an NPC? You thought harder, racking your brain to think of what you remembered of him. A thought, and you paused; what did he remember from before... Well, you were going to call it the Shift.

Did he remember you from before?

When you'd first found him, you'd admit to not making a single squealing noises out of pride. None occurred and no one would tell you otherwise.

"Ohhh, look at you!!!" You'd walked your way around him and did so more than once, looking at his physical details and admiring the work that went into him. "You're so handsome!!! Ulbert put a lot of heart and soul into you, damn..."

You'd pulled up his flavor text, ooh-ing and ahh-ing over the detail worked into his character. A smart tough guy on the outside with a soft side on the inside.

"Interesting... Ulbert didn't give you anything in the way of kinks. Though, he may have thought Shalltear was too much..." You'd let out a soft laugh, closing his backstory with a smile. "Still, I can see the heart and soul he gave you. One of the best written of the NPC's, that's for sure!" You'd patted his head, a content smile on your face.

"Here, follow me; I'm going to make a temple down here and I need to pick the best spot!"

Of course, that wasn't the last time you'd been around him, not by a long shot. You'd had him around when you were designing and making tweaks to your Temple (among other projects) just to have something to talk to while you worked. And you had talked about... A lot of things. Your issues included.

Did he remember those one-sided conversations?

"Welcome, Lady Zara." He spoke with a bow as you reached him, his tail flicking lazily from side to side. "What brings you to the 7th floor?"

"I, ah, wanted to check on my temple." It felt... Weird, talking to him. You'd talked at him plenty of times in the past, but talking with him felt... Different. Not bad, necessarily, but different.

"Of course, my Lady." He stood, his classic know-it-all smile on his face replaced with something softer. "Would you mind if I accompany you? With Nazarick's current state, it would be unwise to leave you without protection."

"You can if you want to." He seemed... Kinder than you expected. Gentler, as well. Your alarm bells were going off, but only quietly; the whole situation was weird.

"Then I shall, my Lady." Another bow, and then you both entered the temple.

The inside of the 7th floor temple was designed to feel haunting, yet beautiful. It was supposed to feel like an abandoned and decrepit church that still had a surviving window of stained glass, one that shone its multicolored light to the its abandoned state.

It took inspiration from Bloodborne, Skyrim, and many other old-school games with similar atmospheres. There was plenty of detail, cracks and what was designed to look like old religious art upon the walls, scorch marks from some lava pools that were on the inside.

This temple was your favorite place in Nazarick.


"Yes, my Lady?" You could feel his questioning look on the back of your head.

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