O My Heart

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You and Demiurge made your way out of the Temple, headed towards the 6th floor to meet with Momonga and the other floor guardians. The walk was silent and... still awkward. Why was people-ing hard?!?!?!?

"My Lady... May I ask a question?" You nod, turning your head to look at Demiurge as you continue making your way through the 7th floor. Thank god, something to talk about; kill the awkward silence to death!

"I was wondering why you asked about my memories; was there any particular reason for that?" Well, shit.

You could tell the truth, which he likely wouldn't understand. Or... Partial truth.

Partial truth it was.

"Honestly? I was curious, is all." There; not a lie, but not the full truth. Your ass is now covered.

"I see." You... weren't sure he bought it. At the very least, he didn't seem like he wanted to call you out on it.

Unless he already figured out the rest of why you asked, of course. It made you uneasy, but he was certainly smart enough to figure it out on his own.

"Lady Zara?" Your pulse skyrocketed; you did your best not to let it show.

"Yes, Demiurge?"

"Why did you not choose to teleport to the 6th floor?" Oh. Calm down, Zara, you're not going to have confront your bullshit today.

"I felt like walking. Besides, this floor is my favorite; why wouldn't I want to spend more time here?" You couldn't tell with the lighting of the lava, but you could've sworn that his cheeks tinged red at the statement.

As you rounded a corner, you spotted the entrance to the 6th floor. From what you could hear, Shalltear and Cocytus were already there. As you walked closer, you noticed Albedo waiting near the entrance between the 6th and 7th floors. Odd, but not by much. She was probably there for Demiurge, and—

And you and Momonga changed her character sheet before the reset.


Message Start

Zara: Momonga, can I ask how Albedo acted when I left?

Momonga: I don't know, can you?

Zara: Ha ha. Come on, man, this is serious!!!

Momonga: She was very, ah, pushy? Is the best way to phrase it.

Momonga: She's probably going to overwhelm you, so be careful.

Zara: Thanks, man. Come save me if you can tell it's too much, ok?

Momonga: No promises, but I'll do my best.

Message End

Well, that wasn't too bad, right? You'd dealt with pushy people before, you could handle it!

"Demiurge, Lady Zara!" She smiled warmly, though her eyes were only on you. "I was wondering when you two would arrive."

You were... Already overwhelmed. Since when did solid 10's give you this much attention, anyways?!?

Well, that was probably because of the tweaked character sheet... but still!

"Apologies for being late; we were having a lovely conversation and lost track of time." Albedo's attention shifted from you to Demiurge, one delicate eyebrow raised.

The Kids Aren't Alright - An Overlord OC Story [Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now