I Wanna Get Better

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[Author's Note: THIS CHAPTER starts the shift from 2nd person to 1st person POV! Stylistically, it's a bit different from the other chapters, but that has more to do with the differences in writing in 1st person rather than 2nd person. There are also no trigger warnings needed for this chapter!]

Shalltear's protection differed from Mare's protection massively. It had only been a few hours at most, and I'm already nearing my wit's end.

I haven't had to lift a finger thus far—anything I've asked for is already here, delivered by Shalltear's Vampire Brides. And, admittedly, normally I wouldn't have minded. What it did was let Shalltear be... Well, the best way to put it is clingy.

Was it because I was growing ever closer to my heat? Was this just Shalltear being incredibly thirsty for her "Supreme Beings?" Or, is this was her way of apologizing for her and Albedo accidentally triggering a panic attack?

I didn't know. And, quite frankly, I don't think I want to know.

But the clingy-ness was grating on my every last nerve.

Currently, we were in my rooms, seated on the two couches the space had to offer. Shalltear had claimed the loveseat, whereas I was more stretched out on the larger couch. It had been surprising, when she didn't claim a seat next to me. Now, though, I'm more thankful—if she'd been next to me while acting this clingy, there's no doubt that she'd be latched onto my side like a leech.


"Yes, my lady?" She looked so expectant, yet... hesitant.

"Do you happen to have some paper and a pen with you?" Patience was key. Shalltear was... not going to change. As overbearing as it was, the easy solution would be to roll with it for now. It was likely a false assumption on my part, thinking that this was her way of asking for forgiveness

"As a matter of fact, I do." With a flick of her wrist, both a pen and paper were procured. A vampire bride took them and carried them over.

"Thank you." The bride blinked, head tilting ever so slightly. Did the bride not comprehend the thanks?

Regardless, now was as good a time as any to start my research. What else had changed between here and YGGDRASIL?

I reached into my inventory, pulling out both my game encyclopedia and my kitsune's book, Come and Sleep, Volume 7. It had been hand-made by the devs to contain all information pertaining to my species of kitsune; a cross-check of the information was desperately needed.

"Shalltear... If my memory is correct, Peroroncino gave you his encyclopedia when he left, yes?" I flipped open both books, flipping pages through my game encyclopedia to reach the section I had added on Kitsune.

"Yes, he did. Do you need to borrow it, my Lady?"

"Perhaps. If my assumption is correct, I may need to." There were no blank spaces in my encyclopedia; however, it looked like there were several portions that had been crossed out. And not crossed out by me.

Still, my primary concern was learning more about my species. I'd encountered one other kitsune in YGGDRASIL, and we'd talked of the differences in our subspecies in detail. I'd made notes in my encyclopedia of the differences in skills, lore, and flavor text; however, if things were different than when I'd left them, then I needed to know.

With that, I ready my pen and start taking notes.

There aren't a ton of differences, all things considered. There's a little bit of changes surrounding the weather and some base stats between myself and the other kitsune, but most of the changes have taken place between what I wrote for myself and with what's written in my kitsune book. Things that would affect my stats, like swapping from summer to winter colors, is now officially dependent on the time of year rather than only on command. The heat thing, which was previously a flavor text designed only for "a time when there are very few kitsune," was now no longer optional. It did, however, come with the added bonus of a post-heat status buff—one that lasted quite a bit longer if I were to actually become pregnant.

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