Undeniable You

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Demiurge woke up slowly, groggy and confused. He'd been watching Lady Zara, and then...

And then he'd pretended to be asleep.

And she'd put him in her bed.


He kept his eyes shut, controlled his breathing so that he'd appear to be still sleeping, alarmed and concerned.

What if you yelled at him? What if a maid saw him in here? His image couldn't maintain that! He was supposed to be cool, calm, collected, not sleeping in the bed of a Supreme Being just because he'd gotten tired! What if—

A warmth tucked in his arms stirred, immediately pulling him from his thoughts. There was no way...

And yet, when he opened his eyes, he was proven wrong yet again.

It was you.

You, with your mess of hair, ears tickling his nose, tails wrapped loosely around his own. Your head was on his shoulder, the tip of your nose just barely touching his neck.

When did that happen?

Still, he wasn't going to move. Mustn't move, rather. You'd fallen asleep in his arms; it'd be a sin to wake you before you were ready.

He stayed awake watching you, seeing how relaxed and content you were. It made him feel... He wasn't sure, but it made him feel something. Pride, perhaps, that out of all the creations of Nazarick you'd chosen him to hold while you slept. He wouldn't trade it for the world.

After what felt like a blissful eternity, you began to twitch. He watched with rapt attention as your blissful sleep became anything but. His concern grew with your every twitch, every whimper. He had to wake you up, but wasn't sure how.

"...no, please..." He froze. You... Were you awake, perhaps?

No, that wasn't right. You were... talking in your sleep. Time for drastic measures—

"No, don't..." You whimpered, paws curling tight into Demiurge's shirt. "... on't hurt 'em..."

He gently shook your shoulder with his free hand. Maybe that would wake you up?

"on't.... no, on't... stop..." Your claws pierced little holes in his shirt.

His heart ached. He couldn't protect your from this.

"Zara, Lady Zara, wake up!" He whispered, shaking you a bit harder. Whatever your dream was, it wasn't pleasant.

"Lady Zara—"

You shot up like a rocket, pulling Demiurge with you through sheer force. Your body trembled, your eyes open as you stared straight ahead like a deer in the headlights.

"... Lady Zara?" His voice startled you, by the twitch that ran from your head and went down your spine.

"... Demiurge?" He vowed to never be the reason for your tone of voice, to protect you from whatever had caused it. You sounded so broken, so fragile, so... So hurt and damaged, that it made him wonder what on earth had hurt you so badly.

As you threw your arms around him, tears he hadn't realized were there soaking his shirt, he vowed to protect you from this. No matter what it took, he'd do it.

You deserved the best, after all.


"Morning, Momonga." You cheerfully spoke, perching on the corner of his desk. Albedo was out doing... Something, so it was just you and Momonga.

The Kids Aren't Alright - An Overlord OC Story [Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now