Outrunning Karma

496 24 3

Week: Mare

Day: 3



You groan, rolling over into the small warmth next to you.

" 'msleepin, ssshhhhhh...." You mumble, refusing to wake and face the day.

You fade back into blissful sleep cuddling the Small Warmth next to you.

It is the Best Warmth, especially because it is Warm.


When you wake up for real, the spot next to you is cold.

But that was... Wrong, wasn't it? You were sure there was a warm something next to you...

You slid out of the sheets, bleary eyes looking over your rooms as you padded towards the living room. Your duvet was wrapped around your shoulders like a cape, tails weighed down by it and your need for more sleep.

You could hear voices in the living room, though you couldn't make out the words; if your ears didn't deceive you, it was likely Mare and Albedo. You opened the door, a yawn escaping your lips, exhaustion nullifying the surprise of the sight in front of you.

Mare, pajamas and all, was blocking Albedo from reaching your rooms. Albedo, in some sort of short dress that you had to assume was her sleepwear, had a tray of breakfast food—breakfast in bed, most likely—and looked damn near ready to punt Mare into the atmosphere.

"Mornin' guys." You mumble, flicking your duvet over the top of your head. Your ears were cold and you really just wanted to go back to bed.

"My Lady!!! You look... Well rested?" Albedo took a step towards you, platter of food abandoned on a conveniently located bookshelf.

"She's gonna fall asleep on the couch or something." Mare commented dryly, hands on his hips. "She's done that exact thing 3 times today."

Had you really?

Well, if you did, you certainly didn't remember it.

"Mare!" Too loud. You tightened the duvet around your ears, eyeing the couch. It did seem comfortable, if only you could step around Albedo and get there unimpeded...

You stopped focusing on their conversation, easing your way around them to get to the couch. So close...

"Lady Zara, I do regret to inform you, but it is currently 10 in the morning. Since you're up, could I be so bold as to ask you to stay awake for the rest of the day?" Damn, really? You could totally have gotten, like, 12 more hours of sleep. No wonder you felt so tired. Still, you turned your sleepy attention towards Albedo.

"... Sure thing, I guess." You let out a soft yawn, a paw slipping out of your duvet to rub some sleep from your eyes. "What was I supposed to be doing today, again?"

"You were going to handle the infirmary." Mare spoke this time, ignoring the glare that came from Albedo. Surprisingly, there was no stuttering from him. Had you gotten him over his shyness, or was there something else going on here? "Also, Lord Momonga asked to speak with you at some point today."

"Sounds good to me. Give me, like... 5 minutes to get dressed, then we can have breakfast. Sound good?" You were really, really tired.

At the duo's sounds of affirmation, you padded back into your room to un-duvet and pull something reasonable on. Breakfast, then work; hopefully, Albedo had brought coffee.


You emerged from your room, having changed into a soft yet cute long-sleeve shirt and equally cute and comfortable pants, to see Albedo and Mare finishing setting up your coffee table as a breakfast table. Maybe tomorrow Mare would let Albedo give you breakfast in bed, though you doubted it.

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