Fight Night

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Scarlet POV
I look into the crowd for this song called important guest and guess what I see Lucifer and Romeo. Of course they are here they just had to pick tonight of all nights to come here. "Today we have someone new he calls himself the Mexican tornado" Danny says pointing to a huge guy with a bunch of tattoos.

This guy is freaking huge with all different types of scars on him. He isn't here just to fight me no he's here to kill me how does he know me? It doesn't even matter. Well I like challenges and by the looks of this guy he's gonna be easy.

Like they say the bigger they are the harder they fall.

"He wants to fight My Star so the match will happen" Danny says and I nod ready to fight. "My Star against The Mexican Tornado starts now!" Danny says and I watch the guys movements. He's strong in every area no weaknesses oh well let's just go for the face.

I run at him and kick him in the face before he can fall I grab his arm and knee him in the head. Then I let him fall to the mat but he quickly collects himself getting back up. I run at him ready to punch him in the stomach but he kicks me so I fly away from him as he spits out blood. I land in a kneeled position and I flip my hair up so I can see.

I run at him and jump superman punching him yes the Superman punch is my favorite. He falls back so I take advantage and run at him. I kick him in the face definitely breaking his nose...more. He gets up a little wobbly but he runs at me delivering a series of punches which I dodge.

I duck his fist and I kick him in the face 3 times sending him to the mat. I grab his arm and put him in a disarming position it so I can break it.
"Who do you work for?" I say but he just spits at me he's lucky that missed, I put pressure and he grits his teeth. "One last time who do you work for?" I say and he starts to speak.

"Vete a la mierda tú!" He says but that isn't the answer I wanted. So there's only one thing left to do.

Music to my ears I break his arm and he lets out a bloodcurdling screams but I can't help but smile at my fantastic work. I kick him in his face breaking his face did you know you could do that. He passes out but that doesn't stop me I continue to kick his unconscious body until I get bored.

I admire my work again and there's a visible dent in his face. His arm is definitely completely broken I can see a bone poking out. "Winner Jesus just take the money! Someone get him!" Danny yells and I snatch the money from him so he can leave. I jump out the ring landing on my feet and I head straight for the door.

I guess one fight was enough for today after all. Besides I'm pretty sure no one wants to fight me after what I just did. I start walking to my motorcycle until I hear footsteps behind me. Very silent but it's definitely there.

I turn around but it's just Lucifer the very person I'd like to avoid. I turn back around and I continue walking. He grabs my arm and spins me around making me look at him. He looks at my stomach which is probably bruised by now.

"Why would you fight that guy? What if he hurt you" Lucifer says and I roll my eyes. "He was just another cocky bastard" I say turning around and continuing my walk. Lucifer isn't following me anymore I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But what is a bad thing is that it just started raining.

Ugh! I walk a little faster to my motorcycle and get on driving full speed home, which definitely isn't safe since it's raining. When I get him Ricardo is sleeping on the couch, at least one of us can sleep. Oh shit I forgot to get him clothes! Wait...I have his old clothes from the mansion and some of dads. He can wear that until I finally go shopping.

I go to my room and change out of my wet clothes into some shorts and a tank top. Ugh! I don't wanna work tomorrow.

Lucifer POV
There she is in the ring fighting some guy. I don't know why but something makes me want this girl. She's strong, beautiful, and definitely smart. That first day when she cane into my office after only two hours I had doubts. I didn't think it was possibly to have it all done that day, none of my old assistants could have done all that in a day.

Then when she came into the office when those American goons were there. I thought she would die I guess that's when I really started feeling. The way she killed all of them it was graceful, it was beautiful, it was bloody.

I like her smile most of all when she's causing pain is when she truly smiles. You can definitely tell when her smiles are fact if you've seen her smile for real. I don't think she knows but her eyes change color they are sometimes a nice honey brown or they are a dark green.

She's truly amazing

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