Just When I Thought

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Scarlet POV
~3 Weeks Later~
It's been about three weeks almost a month since I worked for Mr.Giovani. Everything's been going pretty good if I say so myself. Sometime Lucifer takes me to get lunch he's a pretty interesting person.

We always have something to talk about every time we have lunch together. It's never awkward between us either which I like. I'd say I consider him a very good friend if he wasn't my boss.

I take a quick shower because as usual I'm about to be late. I put on a white black and red dress that I didn't even know I had.

I hurry to my car without my heels on because there in my hand

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I hurry to my car without my heels on because there in my hand. I get in and throw my heels in the passengers seat. I check the time and I only have 5 minutes.

I do the only thing I can do go 100 miles per hour and make my own roads. No way I'm stopping at red lights never have never will. I don't recommend doing that unless your skilled and savage like me. I've never paid a ticket you know why? Well I go so fast they can't see the numbers on my license plate.

I may have messed around with my car and made it way faster then any other. I even stepped it up with some weapons and an instant microwave. It's pretty cool any food I want I can make instantly in my car the future is now people.

I make it to the building with only two minutes to get upstairs. I grab my shoes and I don't even put them on. I run into the building and onto the elevator which is usually packed. I make it to the top floor just in time because my office phone is ringing.

I run into my office and pick it up like I've been in here the whole time. "Hello" I say putting the phone on speaker so I can put my heels on. "Get me a coffee with 2 sugars" Mr. Giovani says then he hangs up.

"Rude much" I say walking right back out my office. Right now I'm on my way to get Mr. Giovani's coffee apparently I do that now. I walk to the employees cafeteria and guess what there all out of coffee.

I exit the building and get into my car guess I'm buying it this time. I drive to a coffee shop that's only 3 minutes away. It's my favorite coffee shop because the wait is never long and they make great coffee.

I walk into the shop that always smells like cinnamon. "Hi what can I get you?" A young girl says with a smile that seems really forced. I notice that she has making covering bruises. I see the little purple marks all over her arm.

"Coffee with 2 sugars and umm whoever it is fight back" I say and her eyes get watery meaning she know what I'm talking about. "Please don't tell anyone" she says and I nod this isn't my business. It's crazy that stuff like this happens a girl who seems so innocent being abused by someone who's not.

But hey that's how the world is a cold evil place with cold and evil people. But I have no right to say anything I'm one of those evils cold people. She puts my order in and then she goes to the bathroom while someone else takes her place at the register.

"Black with 2 sugars" the guy says and I nod. He hands me the coffee and I give him the money. "That girl who was at the register before...give her...this" I say pausing a few times while I write a note and fold it. That girl can't be older than 16, he nods and takes the note.

I leave the shop and I get back into my car. I drive back to the office building but on my way in I bump into a guy. Thank goodness the coffee is okay it definitely would have burned me. I look at the guy I bumped into and he's actually kinda cute.

Curly black hair button nose with dark brown eyes. "Um I'm really sorry are you okay?" He says and I nod. "Yeah it's alright" I say and I'm about to walk away but he stops me by grabbing my arm. I glare at him a little in warning and he lets me go.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to ugh say that your very beautiful" he says and he starts to blush isn't that cute. "Thank you..." I say pausing because I don't know his name. "Ethan my name is Ethan what's your name?" He says okay so this a conversation thing now.

"I'm Scarlet nice to meet you Ethan" I say with a little wink and he turns red I like how innocent he is. "Hey kid! Do I pay you to go around socializing?! Get back to work! NOW!" I hear Mr. Giovani yell and Ethan jumps in fright.

"Sorry" He says before rushing away and I turn to glare at Giovani. "You didn't have to yell at him like that" I say and he turns his burning gaze to me. "I don't pay you guy to socialize" he says snatching the coffee out my hands.

"Get back to work. Now!" He yells at me and I glare at him. I wish he knew I could kill him and everyone he loves in seconds. I storm to the elevator and take back to the top floor. What crawled up his ass and died!

I go back to my office and guess what his voice flows through my intercom. I didn't even know I had one of those until now was that always there because he called me earlier. "Come to my office" he says so I sigh and walk to his office.

I knock on the door and he says 'come in' like usual. I walk into the room and there's a big stack of papers on his desk even bigger than last time. "Take these papers and actually do what your paid for" he says and I bite my lip to stop from killing him.

"Alright" I say walking to his desks and grabbing all the papers. Just when I thought he was nice.

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