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Scarlet POV
I walk into my apartment and go straight upstairs. I grab my laptop and plop on to my bed getting comfortable. I look at this new information on his location. Mexican mafia? What could they possibly have to do with my brothers disappearance.

I close everything on the laptop before actually turning it off. I don't understand Mexican mafia I mean I know dad was Hispanic but I don't think he had anything to do with the mafia.

It doesn't matter it's worth checking it out I guess. Tonight I'll go to this location and I'll see for myself I better wear my mask this time though you never know what could happen. What if dad did have something to do with the mafia.

What could he have possibly gotten himself into? What could he possibly gotten my hermano into? My phone rings and it's an unknown number Hmm has someone caught on to little old me. "Hello" I say in an innocent voice answering the phone.

"Hi Ms. Wilson it's Julie from Giovani inc calling! I just wanted to inform you that you got the job as Mr. Giovani's assistant! Congratulations" she says in such an enthusiastic voice. Is working for that guy that much of an honor?

"Thank you very much for the call Julie" I say giving her the same energy she's giving me. "You start tomorrow 6 o'clock in the morning sharp. Enjoy the rest of your day!" She says and I smirk I sure as hell will.

"Thank you Julie you too" I say before hanging up looks like I have work tomorrow. I think I'm gonna blow off some steam until it's mission time. I change into my gym clothes which is just a crop top with leggings.

I grab my phone and start to jog out my door all the way to the gym... downtown. I go straight for the punching bag because it's exactly what I need to free my mind.

I wrap my hands and strike the punching bag not with full force but just enough. I put all my emotions into punching this punching bag. My father is very well known he must have done something involving the mafia even if it wasn't purposely.

Whatever he did it made them take my brother. But how can I know someone actually took him and he's not just in hiding? How can I even be sure my brother is still alive?! It's been years since I've last seen my brother.

My brother and father were always very secretive. Always doing things and coming back at all different types of times. Whenever I asked dad would say "princesses should only worry about princess things". Now look my at us my fathers dead and my brothers missing.

I punch the bag so hard it fly's off the chain it was hanging from. Everyone in the gym is looking at me so I just unwrap my hands and go. I jog back to my house and I get ready to waste some time. Can't go on a killing spree in the early afternoon now can you.

Well you probably can but it's more work then just waiting until night time. I get home and sit on my couch looking at the wall with my keg bouncing up and down. I need to kill

Lucifer POV
"Well I don't care!" I yell at my little brother who's trying to convince me to get more security. Apparently the American mafia is trying to kill me. But hey they aren't the only ones let's see who kills me first.

"Well to bad Lucifer stop being so hard headed! I'm trying to help your dumbass" Romeo says still yelling about this nonsense. "Yeah yeah I can take care of myself mom" I say and he glares at me before storming out my office. Finally peace and quiet!

Maybe I can get some type of work done. "I'm telling mom!" Romeo shouts from I don't know where but where ever he is he isn't far enough. "Shut up you idiot!" I shout back wait... did he just...threaten to call mom?

"Wait Lucifer I have a lead on the Queen" Romeo says running back into the room. Ah the Queen we've been looking for her for a while. She's been causing a uproar all over the mafia world. We noticed that she's mostly targeting the Mexican mafia.

"She's killed a man that was said to be a spy for the Mexican mafia" Romeo says obviously reading off his phone. "Why is the Mexican mafia so important to her?" I say more to myself. "Maybe she used to work for them" Romeo says but I shake my head.

"It's more than that she wouldn't do all of this just to get back at them. Even if she did work for them we would know who she is" I say because the Mexican mafia likes to gloat they'd definitely show her off.

"You never know they could have provoked her in some type of way to make her respond like that" Romeo says and I hum still deep in thought. If only I could see her face or at least know her name things would be so much easier.

You see you could say I'm of her work. She kills in huge sprees all in different areas in the same hour. It's nearly impossible we thought there was more then one but nope only one.

One woman. One Queen. Able to kill so...ruthlessly so effortlessly so efficiently that she hasn't ever been caught or spotted. It's amazing it's almost unrealistic if you think about it. Her largest spree was 10 people all 20 minutes or more away from each other.

She killed them all in the same hour and a few minutes. I'd hate to admit it but not even I can do that, not all in the same hour. So just for...curiosity reasons I must know who she is.

The Mafia Princess Book 2: Queen of Hearts Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant