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What Makes You Happy

❆ Niall likes snowflakes quite a bit. ❆

He's always been told that, even though there are millions and billions of the fragile things in existence, no two of them are the same, which makes the little ice particles pretty darn special in the blond's opinion. And sometimes, when Liam is out gathering wood for the fireplace, Niall will just sit by the window and watch the tiny things fall, his blue eyes shining with pure fascination.

It's hard to get Liam to "snowflake gaze," as Niall likes to call it. The other lad always seems to be so active and in need of something to do. He's constantly complaining about how staring at the snow is boring, especially when a perfectly good game of checkers could be being played.

However, in the rare occasion when the smaller boy successfully drags his boyfriend over to one of the few windows in their little vacationing cabin, Niall's heart bursts with joy and he wears the immense happiness just like a winter coat. His smile gets really big and he cuddles into Liam's side, bouncing in excitement as the other boy chuckles.

He's constantly asking Liam what he thinks about the winter wonderland, but the brown-eyed lad never has an answer. He's always too busy looking at the perfect boy in his arms, his eyes roaming over pale skin and playing connect–the–dots with all of the little freckles on Niall's neck and shoulders.

❆ Liam likes snowflakes quite a bit, too. ❆

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