She broke the hug and looked me in the eyes as she said;

"So you're the girl, my brother won't stop talking about." My face suddenly seemed a lot warmer and the room seemed smaller. Something about her words made butterflies escape into my belly. Kaden choked at her words and looked at her with a gaze that said "you're done". The others stood talking agreeing with Alexandra.

"Well after Alex we have Nathan. But I suppose you two might already know each other. He's seventeen." he interrupted Alex before she could finish. Nathan's gaze fell towards his shoes here and there before he met my glances. He stood there in a tight black t-shirt. It was hugging his muscles and I was wordless. I had none. I was used to seeing him in sweatshirts or button-ups. While he looked so confident here. He stood completely relaxed, not minding anything. Kaden seemed bothered by this tension that happened with Nathans's introduction. He started introducing his fourth brother.

"After Nathan we have Mateo. He just turned twenty-one last week actually. So now he buys the rest of us booze, but doesn't tell our parents that." Kaden laughed and my gaze fell on Mateo. He had the look of a good-looking young adult. I guess this family only has good genes. Mateo eyed me carefully up and down and his eyes showed potential lust. He looked like the rest of the boys. He had a strong body structure and muscles that were shown through the thin material of his shirt. He looked at me with a confident smile as walked towards me with a confident posture. I could hear Alexandra in the background; "This is going to be fun". I didn't understand what she meant the moment she said it. But I learned it a few seconds after.

He met my gaze while he towered over me and a slight cherishing smirk held his lips. He gently got hold of my hand and kissed it. Which sends all kinds of mixed sensations in my body. My hand still tingles from the place his lips just were. "Welcome Beautiful. I'm sure Kaden won't mind a bit of competition. Because he's going to fight for you" He winked at Kaden who stood looking sour and annoyed. I laughed with Alexandra for a bit before he introduced me to his last sibling. The oldest of them all.

"Last but not least, we have Andrew. Andrew is twenty-four. He is the family's child. You wouldn't be able to call him mature when you first got to know him." Andrew looked at Kaden, offended , to which Kaden just shrugged off. Andrew was incredibly handsome no doubt. He had a model-like face and was blessed with a well-trained body. Maybe not blessed, but you get the point. Andrew walked towards me and pushed Mateo aside who looked at him insulted. His childish manners showed when he made fun of Mateos's face before introducing himself. He shook my hand politely and said a humorous comment.

I smiled at all of them. They seemed friendly and sweet. They all seemed spectacularly close. Like they wouldn't let anyone into their friendship. You know those friend groups you can't break or join. To which you understand at the end after all of your endless attempts to achieve the impossible that everyone else already tried. You just have to give a humble smile hiding the defeated feeling.

William grabbed my hand with big eyes and rushed me to his room. I could hear the sound of a female voice asking if she heard right, that I had arrived.

William shushed at me and I chuckled. I followed his tiny body into his room. It was huge and well blue. It was filled with all kinds of colors, but the blue filled out the walls along with a lot of paintings. There were a lot of paintings in this house. On the way down to Williams's room, I spotted five different expression full paintings. William saw my curiosity and said with his adorable voice that it was Kaden that had painted them for him. Something inside me turned. I loved how he cared for his family the way he seems to do.

We ended up sitting on his floor where he showed me all of his toys from a dinosaur to a racing car, specifically a Lamborghini that was very important to mention. Because it was his favorite car. Why it was his favorite, was because it was red. He had also heard it was incredibly fast and therefore it matched him, he said.

"Vroom vroooooom" William sat while playing with his toy. I asked him if I could take the other car, which was a Peugeot 208. He giggled and said okay. He followed his okay that if we raced his car would win because it was simply the fastest.

I chuckled and said, "is that a competition I hear, William?" His eyes lit up and he nodded his head with big movements up and down.

I crunched down next to him with my hand on my car and he copied my position. One, two, three go! As we were in motion moving the cars Kaden opened the door. Which probably must have looked hilarious. An eighteen-year-old crawling after a car. His face lit with a smile that reached his eyes. His mother stood behind him which choked me and William reached our goal first.

"Heafer I won!" I chuckled at his pronunciation of my name. "That you did, champ." I ruffled his hair and told him that I'll play with him again some other time. I got up and when I was about to reach out to shake her hand, she took me in for a hug like Alexandra. Her embrace felt warm and welcoming. She looked me in my eyes with a warm loving gaze. I wondered what I had done to receive such a glaze. When she walked past Kaden she patted him on the back while saying something I only heard half of.

"You found a-"

I hoped it wasn't anything back following those words, but the way Kaden's face lit up I doubted it. Kaden told me that lunch would be ready in about thirty minutes.


(Edited 09-03-22)

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