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Oi everybody guess who's done being a lazy RadHole

. . .come on guess

If you guessed JJ-Chan
Then your correct!!!

I have a new story out there as well and if you wanna check that one out just follow me and get all of my story notifications

Also read the description to understand the story better :)


I am getting back started on this bad boy right here and other different stories as well

And I'm mean you guys could've helped as well, could've given some ideas

Jk jk jk

I'm not that lazy
So not to bore you or anything but
Here let's get back on track from like a month and a half ago

(In movie Narrative form of course)

Nightmare informed error on how his wings were covered in feathers, concluding error to finding out that Raven (Birdtale sans) was hurt and now no one could find him

"Well we found ravens blood and feathers on my wings, and I have no Idea why!!"

Outer has suspected it to be nightmare or ink, but error disagrees

"Ink would never hurt his own creation"

Outer drops it. . . For now
And ink tells error that they should ask blue for evidence

"Mabey we should ask blue, he was in outertale with you...maybe he saw something"

Error agrees and they go to question blue.
Blue tells them he saw nothing there but error crying.
They tell him that was all and leave

"Just be careful blue, Theres a moster killer out there...and it's not me, that means we're all at stake"

Blue reassures error, and waves goodbye, innocently
But blue has a secrete

"Oh error your too smart even when this is for your own good. Bird brains almost got in the way of ME and error...It always has been Him and I, Until all these bozos showed up and ruined it."

Raven asks blue why he did it to a pal
But blue thinks otherwise

"no..No!! none of us are pals, everyone says were pals but none of us are...MY only friend is error...And you got alittl- Alot too close to him."

Blue secretly hates everyone in the multiverse whoever messed with error/errorberry (pfft heheheh Wow you narcissistic self shipping sinner, blue)
Raven realizes this is over something petty and childish
Raven vows to blue that he will never get it the way of him and error

"Thats what this is?? A little envious problem?? He only asked me to teach him to fly...Me and error are friends nothing more nothing less...look if you want me to stop hanging with him I will...just please let me go"

And blue believes him and let's him go.
He dumps raven back in his Au and cleans the crime scene.
Raven wakes up and heads over to error and classic

"jeez there you are raven...Where were you?? You had me worrying sick"

Raven didn't know why error was so worried but he couldn't tell him the truth

"Oh I uhh I hurt myself when I almost fell of that tree and when you caught me you must've got my blood and feathers on your wings...and uhh after you left I went to OuterTale to heal so I wouldn't worry my friends here aanndd after that I passed out in a bush heh heh heh ehhh"

Error believed him. . .classic not so much, but they left anyways.

So back to the story we go hehehehehe. . .hahahahaha. . .MUUUUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA cOugh CoUgh. . .ahem

Let's go

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