here comes. the mother friken. TEA

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Classic POV

Papyrus' birthday was great a lot of Au papy's showed up, It was great and ink hasn't called me not once. BUUUTT I don't feel that great because we did a spaghetti eating contest and I won. (unfortunately) So I told paps that I was gonna go get fresh air.

I was walking through snowdin when I heard groaning coming from the woods. I rushed into the woods, It could be a hurt monster or a monster hurting some on-. I swiftly hid behind a tree. I-Is that the destroyer?!? why is he here?? I look from behind the tree to see the destroyer wince in pain as he lightly touches the. . .GAPING HOLE that stretches from where his eye should be to the top of his skull. His arm was missing as well.  He looks up, I turn my head back behind the tree. "W-Who's there c-come out coward!!" the destroyer yells. I slowly walk from behind the tree while holding my hands out. "It's just me, Classic sans eh heh heh" He flinches and then scoots back to a tree "don't come any closer, classic!!" he screamed again. I paused and sat down a few feet in front of him. He just eyed me as he created a portal, pulled out some bandages and stated wrapping himself. "hey there buddy, are you okay?" he jolted at my question. "W-What?" He stopped wrapping his self. "Are you okay do you need any help"  "w-wha? why would you care?" He then tried to stand up 'CRACK!' My eye lights went out as he collapsed to the ground. His tibia(shin bone)broke in two. I stood up and rushed to him "tibia honest it looks like you n-need some help." I bent down to pick him up. "d-don't t-touch me. . .  " His body went limp. 

I teleported us to my bedroom, I couldn't let everyone down there see him, they would probably call Ink and that would be bad. I placed a couple of towels on my bed and laid him down on them. I locked my door from the inside and teleported down stairs to get some healing items. "BROTHER, YOUR BACK!! WANNA PLAY TRUTH OR DARE WITH US!!! NYEH HEH HEH HEEEH!!!"(paps and blue are now the light of my life) I waved my hands "n-no thx bro, imma head to bed. have fun tho and happy birthday!!" I say as I run up the stairs. I stop mid-way

Sans: "oh and other paps" I say slowly

Au Paps': what/yess/hmm?

Sans: "don't do anything you'll regret" I say as my eye glows(megalovania quietly plays in background)

Au paps': 'gulp'

I teleport back into my room, the destroyer sleeps peacefully on my bed. 'what happened to him' 'I know ink wouldn't go this far' 'were supposed to be setting an example not following the destroyers lead' I clear away my thoughts, I need to heal him quickly he's loosing a lot of blood. I feed him noodles, spaghetti, chocolate and pizza. he's a quick healer, his skull is slowly coming back and I could even see his arm coming in too. I wrap his skull almost completely, his left eye is still visible tho. I change his bandages that was on his ribs, but these seem to be old wounds. I heal his tibia completely myself, that was easy. I teleport down stairs. Papyrus was waving goodbye to the other papyrus' "GOODBYE FRIENDS SEE YOU SOON!!" Paps shut the door and headed for his room. "hey bro" he jolted "OH JEEZ!! don't scare me like that sans." "heh heh sorry bro I guess you could say I made you-" "DON'T even finish that sentence, brother." "I made you jump outta your skin." "RRRR THAT'S IT I'M GOING TO BED!!!" "heh heh heh g'night bro." I walk to the closet door and grabbed my large t-shirt. I took the destroyers clothes and put it in the wash. I teleport back up stairs, put the shirt on the destroyer, went back down stairs and passed out on the couch.


pffft everytime I put 'paps' 

it would autocorrect to poops

I'm so done :)


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