getting things together

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(The picture XD wheez)

No ones POV

"Hey, those gift were supposed to make you happy. Not sad."
Everybody's eyes fell on error "ERROR!?!" everyone screamed. Blue ran towards him "ERROR!!!" He jumped into error's arms and they spun around together. Blue was so overwhelmed he kissed his cheek. Then his face went blue "Aww shucks blue, stop it. I wasn't gone that long. Right??" Error joked. Blue started giggling. Nightmare and his gang (and classic) ran and jumped on top of error and blue causing all of them to fall backwards. "Oh gosh, the multiverse's most hated and feared Sanses are crying over little ole me?? Hahaha I missed you guys too- OW GET OFF MY WINGS!!!" Error teleported out of the pile of sanses into a standing position nightmare stood up "your wings??" Error turned around and showed off his new wings "you like 'em touch them their soft" blue ran up and touched his wings "oh wow they are soft!! But never mind that, jeez error you almost gave me a soul attack!! I missed you so much!!!" Error rubbed the back of his neck "sorry? I died i don't know what you expected." Horror touched his wing "Oh yeah!! Is that why you have wings?? Are you an Angel??" Horror brushed error's wings with his fingers "Gahhh!! Okay no more touchie. That felt really good but weird as well." Horror put his hands up and backed away. "Ngghhg huff* huff*" error turned around and saw ink on his knees. Error walked over and held out his hand. Ink looked up and took it. Ink then pulled error into a hug "Don't you dare die again without me saying sorry first!!" Error smiled and hugged ink back. Ink released the hug and looked error up and down " Wow! You look good, new outfit?? And look at these wings Awesome!!" Error chuckled "Thx, and yes this is a new outfit i guess. I kinda had it on when I woke up." Error had on a white sweater with a grey and black jacket that looked similar to his old one. "And I'm also still tryna get used to the wings." Ink hugged error again. Making Error jump in surprise "Ah- what the heck ink?? What's this for?" Ink hugged harder "I'm just really sorry is all. . . for the past decade I've been hunting you down and tryna kill you and stuff, but honestly I just wanted to be your friend." Error lifted ink's head by his chin "Well now you can be, waddaya say ink, wanna be friends??" Ink blushed "Uhh OF COURSE!!! And we should make a truce uuhhh how about no more creation and no more destruction? Is that okay???" Error smiled he lifted the shorter skeleton off his feet and spun him around. "Heheheehhahaha YESS!! YES ink thats all I ever Wanted!!!" Ink's face was a whole rainbow. Nightmare's gang walked over, killer and dust pulled ink away from error and horror and cross pulled error over with to his friends "Okay. No more hugging for you, ink." Killer said before him and dust teleported back over with classic and blue. "Omg, error. Me and the guys have been thinking and I...i mean We want to throw you a party aannndd you can invite anyone you want." Error smiled. He then turned around to face the sanses who were still there..He also made a microphone portal??? IDk to every original Au  "Ahem, Sanses and Papyrus' of the multiverse please join me; Error the uhh Skeleton!! For a get together!! Blue will be hosting the party and all are allowed-" ink ran over "And I ink the Creator/Protector of the multiverse do agree with this Idea. Come and greet our New friend Error sans..All are welcome!!!" Error then closed the portal. Blue hopped in joy "I can't wait...Okay error you sit tight while me and who ever wants to help is gonna go get the party ready." Classic spoke up "uhh I don't think your house is gonna fit everyone, blue." Blue slumped in disappointment. Error put his hand on Classic's shoulder "don't worry guys, you can use my Anti-void ^v^. It literally goes on forever." Nightmare looked over to error "uhh you sure? Were gonna be throwing you a party in your house??" "Ya, it'll be fine, i don't mind." Error turned to leave "Wait, where are you going, error??" Killer yelped. Error smiled "I'm gonna go get Wing lessons from BirdSans, See ya!!" Error opened a portal a closed it behind him. Classic thought to himself 'error seems different' 'like he's happy' I'm gonna help make this party the best...for error ^v^'

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