Falling for errors

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Third POV

Error struggled in his chair. He was a bit claustrophobic and the room felt like it was closing in. Nightmare and his group teleported in front of error, he stopped struggling and looked them dead in the eye. "Heya bud, you don't look so good. You ok?" Nightmare sneered. "I'm fine." Error let his head slump down. "Ya sure?" Nightmare really wanted to know now. "1 $@¡d 1'm £¡ne!!!" Error jolted his head up to look at them. Nightmare could feel hatred and fear pouring out of error. "Jeez yo-" cross started but nightmare cut him off "No it's okay, listen error we have a proposal you wanna hear it?? "Error didn't say anything he just gave a small nod "If you help us take over the multiverse and join my gang, then I will give you your own room, food and . . .uh respect? Waddaya say." Error look at them shocked. He was looking into nightmares eye for even a hint of trickery. The truth is error wouldn't mind living here especially if he got respect but that would mean living with people...physical contact. But he has decided. "What do I say?" Cross began to pull out his last chocolate bar, horror's smile was widening and dust was sharpening his bone. "I say y-yes" Nightmare smiled, killer choked on spit, horror's smile fell and dust dropped his bone. "R-REALLY!?" Everyone shouted causing error to jump in his chair. "S-sure why not...plus it's a little Bonely in the anti-void." A cute smile stretched across errors face. Nightmare and his gang had a tint of blush on their cheek bones. "Well let's get you outta here." Horror jumped up quickly. Killer pushed horrors face away "N-NO let me!!" Nightmare rolled his eye. He used his tentacle to pick error up and brought him upstairs. Nightmare sat error at the kitchen table. "Whaddaya want to eat??" Nightmare was looking through the cabinets. Error had grabbed a nail out of the torcher chamber and was silently picking his cuffs "Eat?" Nightmare turned around "yeah what food do you like to eat?" Error cocked his head to the side like an adorable little puppy "Food?" Nightmare's gang ran up next to error "You don't know what food is??" Horror was nudging errors shoulder. 'ERROR' signals had covered error's eyes and his body was glitching more than ever "$Г0P Г0VCH¡NG M3..." Nightmare had told the gang to go sit on the couch. It was just error and nightmare now "Uhh can you see me??" Error moved his head to where nightmare's voice was coming from "N0Г @ Гhe M0menГ, N0" Nightmare was making eggs "What exactly are those anyways???" Error sighed he didn't like 'get to know me' type questions. "I don't like people touching me, and if they do...this happens." Error gestured his hands to point at his whole body. By the time he was done explaining, his 'glitchy problems' were gone and nightmare was done with making breakfast for dinner. Nightmare placed 5 plates on the table and 1 in front of error. "Come and Get It!!!" Nightmare yelled next thing you know a pack of ravaging bad sanses ran into the room. "THANKS BOSS!!" they all screamed in unison, they turned their heads to error. Error paused, A light blush went across error's cheek bones. "U-uhm thanks N-Nightmare" after error said his thanks, he shot his head down and poked at his food. Cross who was sitting next to error, looked over "uh you okay?" Error looked up at cross "y-yeah, I just don't know what I'm supposed to do with this." Error poked his pancakes. Cross mentally face palmed. "Uhh do you t-trust me?" A purple blush appeared on cross' face "no not really but whatever your doing I'll allow it." Error said still staring at his pancakes. Cross steadily places his hand on error's making him flinch "₩-₩H@Г @RE Y-" "Error just trust me" cross said while looking away and blushing. Error tensed up and a blue and yellow blush grew on errors face. Cross put both his hands on error's and made him pick up his fork and knife. Cross made error cut his pancakes into small pieces. Cross let go of error's hands and picked up error's fork. "Error you know you can open your eyes, right?" Error opened his eyes, he never even knew he had closed. Cross stabbed a piece of pancake and put it into error's mouth. Error chewed "OH WOW this is really good!! Man this is good nightmare!!" Error took his fork from cross, dug into his food and completely ignored the fact that cross just fed him. Cross sat in silence with a purple hue lingering on to his face. While everyone was shooting him daggers.

When everyone Finnished horror got up and took error's plate "I got it for ya" Error said his thanks then went upstairs to his room that nightmare told him about. Everyone then thought horror was the trash guy and started handing him their plates. "Thx horror" everyone said as they left him with their trash "W-WAIT NO!!" Nightmare then stopped walking "Wait. . .who took error's handcuffs off??" The gang just shrugged. Dust stood up "I'll go check" Dust teleported upstairs and opened error's room door.
Error was sitting there on his bed, with his shirt off and he was healing the spot where nightmare had stabbed him. ×////×
"I-I I'm so sorry error I-I'll leave now!!!!!" "Wait." Dust was about to walk out the door before strings wrapped around his arm and pulling him onto the bed. Error didn't see anything wrong with dust seeing him with no shirt on WHILE sitting on the bed together. O////O "E-Error? What are y-you-" error grabbed dust's hand. Physical Contact was still weird to error but, he needed these guys to think that he trusted them. "I-I have grown a liking to you guys and my healing magic is low so I need you to heal me . . .please?" Dust slowly placed his hand on error's rib cage and started healing him. Dust could see out the door and the guys outside it, didn't look happy. When dust was finished, error had put his clothes back on and opened a portal. "I gotta go. . .if you guys wanna come you ca-" everyone busted into error's room "WERE GOING!!!" Error jumped in surprise " ok lets go."


Whoo that took longer than expected


What a Classical turn of events!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon