'Give those to me.I'll go through them now. Knowing Iffat, she'll probably get some more ideas even before I'm through these.' Laura says.

  Grace nods, puts the ideas in the table and leaves the room closing the door behind her.

  Today Laura has finally gotten an room for herself. All these days the whole team for this project was working in the same room. It was uncomfortable for everyone. So Jared finally got an extra room just beside the old one for Laura. The whole team is still working in that room. Just Laura and Jared has moved out of there. 

  Laura surveys the room again. It's really small and has only two big tables, each having a set of chairs. One facing the door and two sitting opposite of it. But at least she got a seperate room.

  Although she's curious about the other table. What is the use of that in this room? When Laura would only need one table. Strange.

  As if to answer her question Jared enters without even knocking. Rude, if she might say. But she doesn't tell him anything about it because the card box in his hand filled with files arouses her mind.

  'What am I going to do with all those files?' Laura asks just as Jared gets closer to his table.

  'These are not yours.' He replies, shrugging.

  'Wha-' Laura's eyebrows shoots up as Jared places that cardbox on the other table. Whatever question she was going to ask her dies on her mouth.

  Jared fights hard to suppress his amused look by seeing Laura's horror striken face. He rounds around the table and seats on the single chair with ease.

  He voices out the fact that Laura has already realised.

  'These are my files of course. Why would you think otherwise?' Jared asks. Laura can hear the mockery in his tone. This infuriating guy is taking pleasure from her surprise.

  'What are you doing in my room with your files?' Laura doesn't forget to  emphasise on the 'my' and 'your' part, a fact which doesn't go unnoticed Jared.

  'Oh! I might've forgotten to mention this morning that we, as in you and I are going to share this room till this project ends.'

  She can bet that he didn't forget shit. He just wanted to mess with her. Unfortunately he is succeeding so far.

  Laura gives a forced clipped smile after taking a deep breath. Turning towards Jared while still managing to keep her forced tight lipped smile she says, 'Why would you share a room with me when you have your own floor?'

  'Hmm.' Jared says and a mocking thoughtful expression crosses his face. 'Let me see, perhaps it's because my office is in the top floor and I have to make back and forth trips between this floor and the top one.' Finally Jared's mocking tone goes away and he says in a matter of fact tone, 'Obviously I'm not going to continue doing that and instead move in here with you Ms. Williams.'

  Laura mumbles a 'whatever' under her breath and goes back on working. She shoots a silent prayer upwards wishing that they wouldn't have that much interaction between them. She already has to put up with seeing his face everyday and now she has to share a room with him.

  Just ah-me-zing.

  Almost one and half an hour passes by without them even uttering one single word. Reid had come once with Jared's morning coffee and his laptop. That's all.

  After going through all the files and some important calls later Laura finally stretches her hands a bit. Jared's keyboard is constantly making sound. He's been writing something for as long as he's been sitting there.

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