The plan

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"Shigaraki, I have news of a new member who wants to join the League." Said Kurogiri who slowly walked towards the crouching figure.

"Oh? Continue." Shigaraki said curiously.

"Her name is Kura Akamine but she goes by Deep Dark, she says her quirk can be of great use in our plan to overthrow hero's."

"I'm interested" said Shigaraki with a raspy voice.

"Then we'll meet her by the abandoned building, tomorrow night" Kurogiri said sharply.


The next day and the lights of the sky changed from blue, to orange to black.

The darkness of the sky was the signal for the league to be on their way to the location where they would meet whoever Deep Dark was.

The members of the league that came along to meet her were Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Himiko Toga, Dabi, Mr. Compress, Spinner, Magne, and Twice.

When they reached the location there stood a short girl wearing nothing but black. She wore a slick black hood with black tights and long black boots. She also had black fingerless gloves with long sharp black painted nails. Her face was hard to see because of her size scattered black hair that covered a lot of her face.

"Are you Kura?" Said Shigaraki sounding somewhat annoyed.

"Call me Deep Dark or DD if it's a mouthful."
Said the hooded figure.

"None of that even matters. Why do you think that you are of use to me?" Said Shigaraki bluntly.

"You would want a UA student to join your side, right?" Said Kura cockily.

"Well obviously" said Shigaraki in a childish tone.

"I can help with that. You see, my quirk make people's darkest thoughts or their past self to overcome them. So let's say there is a person who is a happy go lucky person but they used to be angry at the world or really sad all the time, or maybe they have these thoughts in the background. My quirk would find them and heighten them to their strongest version, to the point where they change entirely as a person or atleast become the person they try to drown out. What if I used my quirk on a UA student and break them so much that they join the league. You would gain another powerful tool and the hero's reputation and the school's reputation would take a huge hit." Stated Kura confidently.

Shigaraki lips (what was left of them) creaked into a creepy smirk and although one was able to see it, his eyes glinted with excitement.

But then his smirk faded away after a few seconds as a question came in his mind.
"What's in it for you?"

"I hate seeing people smile when that's not what they truly feel, our world is made up of fake smiles and deep down thoughts no one tells anyone. And I have a strong feeling one of the student's smiles when they actually want to cry." Says Kura as if she already had the words planned in her mind.

"Why would it matter if only one had these feelings?" Asked Kurogiri pitching in, in this discussion.

"Because my quirk only truly lasts with people if they had these thoughts extremely strongly and for a long period or they still have these dwelling thoughts. If I used my quirk on a person who's thoughts weren't or aren't that strong it would just make them sad or angry for a bit. It wouldn't last and wouldn't be as powerful."

"Who is the student you have in mind?" Asked Kurogiri.

"Eijirou Kirishima"


This Chapter was kinda like the prologue with the introduction of Kura and their new plan. I'm hella excited to continue this. I hope you guys liked this, I'm tryin my best.


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