Healing and Forgetting

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I woke up short after, when I felt someone trying to lift me carefully up. My head pounded so hard I was sure everyone could hear it, one tiny movement feeling like a stab. My stomach felt weak and churning, and my face was throbbing in pain. My eyes fluttered open to see Ed, surrounded by a bunch of workers, all talking loudly and staring at me. Ed wasn't looking at me right now; he didn't know I was awake yet. I noticed he had a large purple circle around his eye.

Ed was concentrated on my legs, which he was sliding backwards to move me so I was leaning against the wall. Through the slit of my opened eyes, I saw he was putting me against the space between the wall and the toilet. I half-smiled, somewhat dazed, at his thoughtfulness.

Now, he glanced up at my face, and I quickly closed my eyes so he wouldn't know I was awake. Why, I don't know. I felt him stroke my face ever so lightly with his thumb. A droplet of water landed on my leg, and I realized he was crying. I don't know why I didn't open my eyes still, I just couldn't make myself. Maybe I wanted to see what he would do.

"Tay," he whispered, "I'm so sorry this happened. This is my fault. I should have noticed when I saw him get up right after you. You don't deserve this. You're so perfect. I-I.." He choked on his words for a second, "I love you. I'm sorry. I love you." Ed was still stroking my face, and I had to restrain myself from bursting into tears. I still heard the chatter of panicking workers in the background, but I zeroed in on the British voice next to me.

Now, I finally opened my eyes slowly, hearing a gasp.

"Tay? Taylor?" Ed said lightly. I barely nodded, so little that I was surprised he saw me.

"Oh my god, Tay. I'm sorry." He was still crying, and my heart felt like it was being torn in two. "She's okay everyone!" He announced to the plethora of employees crowded into the bathroom. I noticed then just how many people were surrounding me and I started breathing heavily. Which, let me tell you, hurt like hell. Ed noticed immediately and spoke up.

"Hey, guys. Thanks for all your help, but she really just needs some space right now." About 8 waiters and waitresses filed out of the area, giving me a sympathetic look as they left.

"I convinced them not to call an ambulance," he whispered, as if we weren't alone, "I know how much you hate the hospital." I smiled gratefully. "You wanna talk to me?" He asked, serious now. I frowned. I didn't really want to talk about it. There was enough wrong in my life and I didn't know what would happen if I started talking. I might start bawling. I had no idea.

"Come on, Tay? Please?" Ed stared at me, and I saw the tears welling up in his eyes again. I sighed.

"What do you want me to say? That I was almost raped? You already knew that. That I was physically and emotionally beaten? You already knew that. That I'm broken inside? You already knew that. What else do you want to know, Ed? Everything else is so fucking obvious." I finished with another sigh, leaning my head gently against the wall. I didn't want to open my eyes, because I heard the suppressed sobs coming from right in front of me. I knew I had hurt him with what I said, and I knew it would when I said it, so why did I?

"And that..." I sighed, "is why I didn't want to talk about it."

"Oh Tay..." He whispered, and his voice was so full of sorrow, regret, pain, worry, and love. So much so that I finally broke into tears, stretching my arms out to meet Ed's. He held me tightly, and we both sobbed into each other,

our own little support systems.


We sat there for what seemed like years, time seemingly stopping as we cried into each other, before all tears were gone and the restaurant was almost closed. Ed stood up, smiling lightly, and extended his hand to me. I tried to smile back, and use the wall and his hand to try and push myself up. Everything hurt. I was bruised and broken. I stood up successfully, but as soon as I moved slowly into reach of Ed, I felt dizzy and my legs gave out, causing me to crumple to the ground. Ed quickly caught me as I fell, pulling me back up.

"Woah. Careful, Taylor." Ed warned, worried.

"I can't do this." I sobbed, except there were basically no tears left, so it just turned out as a wail of defeat. Then I felt my legs being swept out from under me delicately, and I was off the ground.

"I got you." Ed whispered, and I smiled gratefully at him. Everywhere he gripped me hurt, but it would no matter what, so I stayed quiet. He held me tightly but gently, carrying me outside slowly. He carefully set me down in the passenger seat, shut my door very slowly, trying not to make a large, sudden noise, then ran to the driver's side and jumped in. Then he looked at me and sighed.

"You need to go to the hospital." He said finally.

"I know."

"It'll give you medi- wait what you're agreeing?"


"Oh. Well, alright then." He seemed shocked that I didn't put up a fight, but honestly I had just given up. I didn't care anymore. I felt like there was nothing left in me.

"Hey Taylor?"

"Yeah?" I basically whispered, tired and in severe pain.

"I love you so much. And I'm sorry."

And just when I thought there was nothing left in me, a little spark was rekindled in my heart. And it gave me hope.


Sorry for the sad chapter, it'll get happier I swear xD


I shall put all my social media so you can follow me if you want, if you were curious what it was :3

Twitter- bluejeanswift
Instagram- swiftsredbowtie
Tumblr- youlovethe-game


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