Fearless and Treacherous

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I know I know I KNOW it's been like 2 months. But I like this chapter even though it's short. SO ENJOY MY CUPCAKE CHILDREN! (What)



So tomorrow is my date with Ed. I'm nervous, what if it doesn't go well? I wouldn't want to mess up what we have.

Right now we were writing our song that we had been working on for the past couple days.

"Oh Taylor, what about this?" He started playing a few chords on the guitar.

"All I know is you held the door

You'll be mine and I'll be yours..." He trailed off, but still continued to strum the guitar trying to come up with more lyrics. I roamed my mind to come up with some too.

"...all... I know... Since...yesterday?" I said more as a question but Ed nodded as if saying, "keep going"

"Is everything.... Has changed!" I finished and smiled proudly.

"That's it!" Ed screamed excitedly and we high-fived.

"come here, Swift! Let me hug youuuu!" I ran over to him and threw my arms around him. He picked me up and spun me around as I squealed. Then he lowered me to the ground. I instantly realized how close my face was to his. We both seemed to stop breathing for a moment.

And in that moment our lips touched for the first time, everything in the world seemed to disappear, and I was his.

You're The OneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin