Wondering and Sadness

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So this is kind of sad... Be warned.


I picked up the note and furrowed my eyebrows. This was a joke right? Ed just put that there to scare me like before right? I decided not to say anything to him. I didn't want to seem like more of a crybaby. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs so I quickly stuffed to note in my pocket and ran to my makeup table to make it look like that's what I had been doing.

"You almost ready, love?" I heard him say, and I pretended like I didn't know he was coming. Why was I acting so weird over this? I just had this feeling it wasn't a joke. I didn't want to seem paranoid if it was nothing though.

I turned my head, eyeliner in hand, and looked at him. Sure, he wasn't 'hot', but he was cute. Cute in this little puppy dog way, which I guess I never really noticed until a few days ago. He was kind, caring, and amazing. He didn't care about what other people said, he didn't get into any trouble. How am I so lucky?

I smiled. "Yeah. Almost." I said, kind of dreamily. He didn't notice.

"Okay. Tell me when." He said, smiling as well, and left.

"I love you." I whispered, but only loud enough for me to hear.


We walked out to my car in the driveway.

"Do you want me to get my car?" Ed asked. He lived next door.

"Nah it's fine, I'll drive both of us." It was still dark out; school started at 7:30am.


We both climbed into the car- him in the passenger seat and me in the driver's. I realized something.

"Oh shit, I forgot my keys." I said, face-palming. "Mind grabbing them for me? They're on the counter." I asked Ed, batting my eyelashes.

He laughed. "Of course, ma'am." He saluted then hopped out of the car to get the keys. My phone buzzed so I looked around my pockets and the car to find it. Wait.. It was probably my morning text.

My morning text was a text I got every morning (duh) that made my feel horrible. I've seen 'slut', 'whore', 'fat', and the list goes on. Might as well get it over with. I picked up my phone and braces myself for the worst.

"You're such a stupid little slut. Go run off to your man whore of a boyfriend and jump off a cliff or whatever the fuck you want because you're worthless."

Wow, that was the worst one yet. And they even got Ed in there.

Maybe I will, maybe.

"I know." I said quietly, sliding down the car seat slowly and trying not to cry.

Too late.

"Hey I got the keys my qu- hey what's wrong?" Ed came joyfully- too joyfully - ambling into view, his joy soon turning to worry.

"Oh... I just... was thinking of... My grandma. And that I... I miss her." I said, hoping he bought it. He have me a "we'll talk later" look but didn't push it.

I couldn't help but think about what the text said. It was echoing in my head.

You're worthless.

You're worthless.

You're worthless.

...I know.


Hey I made some changes to this chapter bc I didn't like the other version. :3 it's a little sadder but I like it more.


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