Excitement and Disaster

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"Quit moving, you're messing me up!" I laughed at Alyssa, a not extremely girly girl, as I tried to curl her hair while she fidgeted. We had become really close within these past two weeks and I decided to persuade her to go on a date with this guy she likes, Evan. But she didn't want to go alone on the first date, so Ed and I were making an appearance at the dinner. So, right now it was 5:30, the date started at 6, Evan was coming to her house where all 3 of us waited, and I kept coming close to burning my hand, and/or Alyssa's face. I'd prefer neither.


"Aaaaandddd..." I trailed out the word as I unraveled the final curl from the wand, "DONE!" I laid down the curling iron and clapped my hand excitedly. Alyssa stood up, already dressed in a simple maroon shirt and black and white flowered skirt, as twirled in front of the mirror, pleased at her reflection.

"THANK YOU!!" She hugged me and I beamed at her.

"No problem, now it's 6:00, let's get-" The doorbell's chime cut me off. Alyssa squealed and ran to the door quickly.

"....going." I finished, and chuckled at her.

"Ed?!" I called, wondering where he was.

"Coming my dear!"

"What the hell?!" I yelled back, commenting on his choice of words, and laughed loudly. He appeared behind me, wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek lightly.

"Why hello there, deeeaaaarrrr." I mocked him.

"Oh shut up." He nudged my shoulder slightly and laughed along, blushing the tiniest bit. I pinched his cheek, and he slapped my hand away playfully, but I could tell he was embarrassed.

"Now's not the time, grandma." He muttered under his breath, and I just exploded with laughter, grabbing his shoulders to lean on, on the way out to the car.

As we all hopped in, I somehow found myself sitting next to Evan, who I had actually only seen a few times in school, never talking to him. Just his presence made me the slightest but uncomfortable, sorta like I shouldn't trust him. But I've never talked to him, so who am I to judge?

Ed and Alyssa were perched up front, Ed driving, Alyssa with a permanently carved smile in the passenger seat.

I turned my head toward the awkward boy sitting next to me and smiled. I stuck my hand out politely. "I'm Taylor," I said, "If you didn't know that already." He chuckled. Wow his voice was surprisingly deep, almost disturbing.

"I know, I've seen you in school." He replied. "I'm Evan, but you knew that. I hope." I nodded distinctly at that. Duhhhh Alyssa never shut up about Evan. I wasn't going to tell him that though.

I felt something on my leg, and I looked down to see his hand resting on my thigh. I raised my eyebrow at him and he just smiled. But this time, his smile seemed a little less polite. I inched farther away, looking out the window. He whispered in my ear, making me jump, "You know, if this doesn't work out, me and you could-"

"WE'RE HERE!" Ed announced, and I sighed with relief and unbuckled my seatbelt before the car stopped completely.

With me practically running out of the car, we all went inside the restaurant and were led to a table. I sat next to Ed, purposely skipping a seat to be the farthest from Evan. Like dang, creepy much? He looked at me with a kind of disappointed look. Like his plans were ruined. I shuddered slightly.


About halfway through dinner, I announced that I was going to the bathroom. I stood up quietly, trying not to draw attention to myself while the chair scraped loudly on the hardwood floor. As I was walking away, I heard the chair scraping again. I figured it was Alyssa, because all girls go to the bathroom together basically, and I figured she wanted to gush to me about Evan's cuteness or something. But as I got to the door of the one person, all gender bathroom and turned around, bracing myself to talk to the excited girl, I was surprised by what I saw.

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