Tears and Regret

166 16 6

A/N- I'm gonna start naming the chapters something other than "chapter 16" or whatever. For this one and some others I'll put '___ and ___' xD now on with the story!

Taylor's P.O.V.

My head was pounding and my heart was aching. I lay hours later on the floor I had been pushed onto, afraid of moving. I cradled my arm, which ached also, but in no comparison to my heart. I tried to stop myself while falling and landed on it.

The music was off. Most people were gone. Some were passed out on the floor. Nobody was awake, and all of the unconscious people were on the other side of the house. I remember it being around 11 when I called him, so I guess it was around 3am, but I didn't dare move to check.

My face felt stiff from dry tears. The only thing I moved was my head. I was afraid he was back for more. I trusted him and he did this to me... it put me on edge. And to tell the truth, I wished this was an edge I could jump from.

I tried to sleep, to have a time where I could get away from everything, but it never came. Whenever I heard the slightest noise, I jumped. Whenever I breathed, I felt my arm pulse in pain. And whenever I closed my eyes, all I saw was him.


I awoke to noise. I poked my head up a little bit and saw the remaining people leaving. I sighed. Guess I should leave...

I got up slowly, wincing from the pain in my arm and crept outside without being noticed. I walked out into the cold morning air and out to the driveway of the house. I looked around until I realized.

Ed was my ride. And the car was gone.

And that was when I really lost it.

I sunk down into the pavement, folding into myself and sobbing uncontrollably. I lay there for what felt like hours, which was probably only a few minutes, until I heard something.

"Taylor? Is that you?"

I flinched at the sound, shielding my face as I sniffled and breathed heavily, nodding my head slightly. I looked through a tear filled eye and my suspicions were confirmed. The voice came from Alyssa, a girl from school who I knew was nice enough where she didn't hate me. She was a quiet girl who I sat next to in science and we sometimes exchanged conversation. I saw her staring down at me with shock, disbelief, and concern. Well, who wouldn't be, seeing a girl from school who seems fine normally, laying in the driveway of a random person's house, crying and rocking back and forth?

I composed myself and sat up, hiccuping and wiping the makeup that was probably turning the area around my eyes black.

"Hi." I said awkwardly, almost pleading with my eyes for her to not look at me with pity, to forget what she just saw. Forget about the broken girl she was staring at. She just nodded.

"Need a ride home?" She asked, smiling softy. I forced a smile back and nodded. I tried pushing myself up but fell back, biting my lip to keep from crying out in pain. Forgot about the arm.

"What's wrong?" She asked. I just pointed to my arm, gasping still from the pain.

"Should we go to the hospital?"

I shook my head frantically. She'll know about everything if we do.

"But your arm...I can't just let you go home hurting..." She said. Damn she was too nice. I sighed and nodded.

"Okay... Just don't tell anyone, okay?" I warned.

"What do you mean?" She wondered.

"You'll see.." She let it go. I liked that. Then Alyssa reached her arm down towards my good one and offered it to me. I smiled gratefully and took her hand as she pulled me up. Then we got into her car and turned on the radio, just like Ed and I would have done.

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