Lunch and Lockets

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Taylor's P.O.V.

I woke up to find my head on Ed's chest. Guess we fell asleep talking on the couch. I looked up at his face with his stunning features. His eyes were closed and he was fast asleep, breathing slowly. I heard his heartbeat pounding and his small breaths he took. He was so captivating to me. I felt like I could unlock different mysteries about him every time I looked. But for now, I softly lifted my head away from his chest and glanced over a single time once more before getting off of the plush couch and deciding to make breakfast. Step by step right? He'd make me anyway.

I tip-toed into the kitchen, inching my way towards the pans and pancake batter. We still had some left over. I poured a few circles of pancake batter on the pan and turned on the heat on the stove. While that cooked, I put some bacon on a plate, stuffed it in the microwave, and threw a few pieces of bread into the toaster. Flipping the pancakes onto plates, taking the bacon out of the microwave, and making sure I didn't burn myself taking the toast out, I put it all on plates and brought them to the table. Then I poured two glasses of orange juice and set them down. I stepped back and eyed my work, satisfied with myself. Now, time to wake Ed.

I walked over to the sleeping ginger and sat down next to him. I poked his face and he groaned but didn't wake. I poked him repeatedly. Then I scooted closer to him and whispered in his ear, "Breakfasttttt...." His eyes opened slowly and I laughed, wow, that actually worked. I'll keep that in mind.

"Did I hear breakfast?" Ed said, his voice groggy as he gave me a lopsided smile. I laughed again.

"Indeed, my young ginger pal. Indeed." I said in an accent.

"Young ginger pal?"

"That's what I said."

"What else?"

"OH! Correction: young ginger pal/partner/boyfriend person who I made breakfast for and needs to shut up or else no breakfast."

"Well that was just harsh." He pouted, and I laughed again, ruffling his hair and standing up to walk back to the table. He followed closely behind, gasping at the array of food before him.

"FOOD!" He shouted.

"I'll let you take a moment, I know this is a special moment for you." I patted his shoulder and he nodded, his mouth agape. God, this is like his Christmas. It is a lot of food though.

Either way, I'll spare you the excruciating details of us eating and him making me eat a piece of toast and half of a pancake. We basically just talked like normal. It was normal. I liked it. We ate. Ed ate everything. We talked some more. Blah blah blah.

I cleaned up the plates with the help of Ed clumsily drying what I handed him. After 10 minutes and 3 broken plates, we gave up on that idea and postponed the washing.

We went back to the couch we fell asleep on before, with two mugs of coffee and two smiles.

"Pleaseeee..." Ed tried to convince me for the 10th time to go out to lunch with him later.

"I don't know.."

"We'll walk slow and be careful and you can get whatever you want and eat as much as you can and I won't force you to finish itttttt..." He rambled.

"Edward Christopher Sheeran, are you asking me on a date?"

"Maybeeee." He gave me a puppy face and batted his eyelashes.

I sighed.

"You KNOW I can't say no to the ginger puppy dog face." He cheered.

"Wait, what does being ginger have to do with it?" He asked me, laughing. I looked at him seriously, eyes wide.

"Everything in the WORLD." I held his gaze in silence for a few seconds before my expression faltered and I burst into laughter.

"You're so weird, Swift."

"But yoU LooOoOoVe mEeeE!" I nudged him with my elbow slightly and he glared.

"Yeahhhh I guesssss." He sighed with faux defeat. I was the one to cheer this time.


I nervously got ready, putting on a casual blue dress with some plain white Keds and running my brush through my soft blonde locks. I applied some concealer, winged eyeliner, mascara, and a light pink lipstick. More natural, I guess. For Ed.

I grabbed my purse with some money and headed to the front door where Ed stood, waiting patiently. I gave him a smile and he opened the door for me as I stepped out into the warm midday air. I paused for a moment, taking in my surroundings. I breathed in the smell of freshly cut grass and flowers. I looked to the now fully green trees, birds flying around and into the brush. I loved this time of day. It was sunny, but the slightest chill was still hanging around us. And then I kept walking.

The house was close to a few small shops and diners, so we decided to walk around and find somewhere to go. It had been a while since I went out. I looked around, eyeing an antique shop. Ed saw me staring and I gazed over at him expectantly. He nodded playfully and I squealed, tugging on his arm to get over to the shop faster.

A bell jingled as we pushed open the door. HOW CUTE IS THAT. I practically ran around the store, fascinated by everything I saw. But as I glanced over at a case, I gasped. Inside was the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen. It was a gold locket with a single gem in the middle. It was in the shape of a heart. I wanted it SO bad. I called over the woman behind the desk.

"Excuse me ma'am, how much is this locket?" She rushed over happily and Ed came over to see as well. The woman unlocked the case and inspected the price tag on it.

"It looks like it's about $97." She stated, and my smile faltered. That's a lot for a necklace that I don't need. I thanked her and started to walk out of the small shop, but was stopped by Ed.

"Hey Tay, go on ahead outside, I'll meet you there. I wanted to buy this...thing." He pointed to a weird object and I laughed and nodded. I pushed open the door and stood outside, waiting for Ed to come out. He did, a minute later, with a bag in hand.

"What was that thing you bought anyway?" I asked him. He didn't say anything, just pulled out a small box and opened it. I gasped. Inside was the necklace.

"Ed..." I was too shocked for words. He took out the necklace and motioned for me to turn around. He placed the necklace on me, and I moved my hair out of the way while he clasped it. I was close to tears, he was so sweet and thoughtful. I hugged him tightly and whispered a thank you in his ear. And then I kissed him. I kissed him on the sidewalk outside of an antique shop on a sunny day with a slight chill. He pulled me closer to him and kissed back. I pulled back after an amount of time and put my head on his chest.

"I love it. And you. Thank you, Eddy." I whispered. I loved calling him that.

"Anything for you, Tay."

We walked hand-in-hand to a diner we spotted across the street, going as slow as we could through the traffic without being hit, trying to be careful of my injury. We sat down at a booth and I kept looking down at my locket, admiring it.


We got home and I collapsed on the couch, my cheeks hurting from smiling so much. Ed had gone back to his house after days away, but only to get more clothes and such. I suddenly got an idea. I searched through my pictures until I found a picture small enough of Ed and I. I cut it to size in the shape of a heart. Then I unclasped the locket from my neck, opened it, and stuck the picture inside. I put away the remnants of the picture and closed the locket again, clasping it back around my neck.

I never took out that picture.


HEY GUYS! Wow this is a long chapter for me woAh.

I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading this story, commenting, voting, everything. I LOVE YOU and I appreciate it so much. Thank you.


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