Parties and Being Broken

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A few days later, Ed decided that we should go to a party.

"Come onnn Taylor! We have to go! It'll be fun!"

"Ed.. I don't know. I'm going back to school tomorrow and we graduate in a week. It seems like too much for me. Plus I'm supposed to be being careful, remember?" I pointed to my head. He just sighed.

"But Taylorrrrr."

"But Edddddd." He stared at me, pulling a puppy dog face again.




"Ughhh. Fine. I'll go." He cheered. "BUT-" I cut him off. "If it's not fun and I want to leave, I'm leaving, whether you come or not."

"You'll have fun. YAY!" He ran around the room. I flicked him off and he stopped.

"Well that was just harsh." I laughed and went to hug him. This'll be an interesting night.


I picked out a mid-length red dress, left my hair naturally wavy, and applied some makeup. This party was a very popular kid's party. Ed got invited and decided to bring me, even though I'm sure that they didn't want me there. I didn't want to drink anything, I don't care if they called me whatever. I won't. It brings back memories for me. Ed knows, I told him the night before and he said he won't do anything to me, he promised. I wanted him to promise he wouldn't drink though.

He called me from downstairs and I practically ran down, grabbed some flats, and walked with him to the car. We held hands all the way there, while he drove and I hummed along to the radio.

We arrived and before we even got a chance to park, I could hear the thumping of music. Well I'm going to have a headache later. We got out and walked hand in hand together.


I dialed his number again. No answer. This was the 6th time.

He promised he wouldn't leave me. Yet where is he?

Furious, I clicked 'end call' before the voicemail started. I started calling his name.




No answer. It was almost impossible to hear over the crowd. I walked around, ignoring the outstretched hands offering me drinks.

I spotted something red out of the corner of my eye and turned to face.

I saw Ed.

But yet, maybe it wasn't him. Maybe it was a lookalike. Maybe it was my mind, my messed up mind, playing tricks on me again. I blinked twice and opened my eyes again. But it was still there.

Ed was kissing a brunette haired girl.

He pulled away from her and met my eyes as I slowly walked closer. He smirked, and my heart sank. He reeked of alcohol. I gripped his arm tightly, pulling him to the side. Tears were streaming from my face. His was blank.

All I could think in that moment was; this is NOT my Ed.

"Ed.. How could you do this to me? I needed you and I thought you were there for me..." I sobbed harder.

"Silly Taylor." He slurred and 'lightly' pushed me to the side, but I wasn't prepared and it knocked me to the floor. The memories came swirling back and I curled into my chest and peered through my fingers to see a head of ginger hair walking away.

He promised.


HEY GUYS! Sorry this is so short and fast, but I felt I needed to update! I'll try to start writing the next one to make it longer! Hehehe

Ily guys!



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