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We're watching the movie , I shoot jennie a smile who had her eyes on me just checking if I'm okay , which I am.

I look around and appreciate every person in this room , for just loving me or caring about me, Jennie loved me and she showed it.

Irene turned the lights off so we can watch and thoughts of my mother come back to me , I wonder what she would of been like if she was here , would I have felt this lonely growing up.

Feeling lonely is really a terrible feeling , it creates a ache in your heart , Jennie took away that feeling from me , imagine I fuck this up?

I'm Marco's daughter with terrible anger issues & I know Jennie's forgiven me for lashing out but imagine I take it too far one day and Jennie wants to leave me but I get all possessive.

I feel possessive over Jennie already , she's so beautiful , smart and knows her shit , anyone would be obsessed with her.

I honestly am grateful for Jisoo & Chae , Irene as well , I can tell we are all gonna be our own little family as well as Jennie's mother who seems to be part of the gang. It's cute , she's so funny and kind.

I can see where Jennie gets her good looks from. Jennie's father is in his bedroom he wasn't well so Jennie and Irene would keep running upstairs to check up on him.

They were caring people , I admire them. I want to care for Jennie like how she cares for me , maybe buy her something valuable , she doesn't admire valuable things like a necklace or a expensive watch.

She admires things with effort , she supports me with every little thing I do and I want to put effort into whatever I do for her to surprise her. I know I surprised her by visiting her mom , but that was also for me.

I could plan a really romantic day for us , maybe take her for a trip to the beach , oh my god trips , she loves travelling. We discussed Thailand.

I should take her Thailand , just me and her.

It would be amazing.

"What's wrong?" I hear Jennie say to me in my ear as I snap out of my thoughts.

"Huh" i say as I turn to her

"You look sad" she replies as concern is shown on her face , she frowns and touches my chin.

"Sad? I'm so grateful for you Jennie , I'm not sad , I'm the happiest I've been in ages , thank you , I really do love you" I say as I look at her , a smirk rises up on her lips

"In that case , I deserve a kiss" she says as she pouts at me , I pull her face with both my hands and crush her lips to mine

"You deserve even more than that" I whisper as I move my lips against hers , funny how Jennie's mother always catches us kissing and pretends she can't see us to avoid the awkwardness.

"Your mum saw that" I laugh in her ear as I pull her to my lap , she joins in with my laughter and I swear I've never heard something so beautiful. I love everything about this woman.


Jennie has taken forever in the bathroom , I know she has a a long ass bed time face routine but I won't sleep until she comes to bed.

I want to sleep with her in my arms and she's taking forever.

I open the door and she's applying cream to her skin and I sigh.

"Babe come on , that's enough" I say

She giggles as she senses me being impatient as ever.

"Patience" she whispers as she continues to apply more stuff to her face , I watch her now and I sigh.

"How long do we have now?" I puff out a breath off annoyance.

"Huff and puff all you want baby" she says as she finishes her routine.

I apply things to my face to make it cleaner but she applies 1000 x times more stuff and it annoys me because she doesn't even need to add anything to her face.

"I've had enough" I lift her up and she screams in laughter as I throw her on the bed , I crawl on top of her and her laughter drives me insane. So beautiful

I don't laugh at her I look at her genuinely so in love with her , she holds my cheek and kisses my lips.

We begin making out , until we are interrupted by my phone.

"Ignore it , it's probably Jisoo" I reply as I begin kissing her neck , the phone doesn't stop and I can tell Jennie's getting annoyed by it.

So I lift myself up and groan as I answer the phone.

"Yeah hello"

"I need to meet you in the office tomorrow Lisa" my father says through a worried tone.

"Um okay" I say as I look at Jennie.

"Where are you staying by the way?" He replies to me

"Jisoo's house" i respond

"Good , stay the fuck away from Jennie , she's dangerous" he replies as he puts down the phone.

"Dad just said , stay the fuck away from Jennie she's dangerous and he wants to meet me in the office , he sounds scared" I tell Jennie as I get off her.

She stands up and opens her wardrobe , no response and begins putting her clothes on whilst she calls Irene.

"Marco knows it's us , we need to leave now" she says and walks towards me

"Stay here Lisa" she says , it worries me because I don't want her involved with any shit that could cause her to be away from me.

"Where are you going Jennie?" I say , I'm worried as fuck right now.

"I just need to make sure that , we have everything & Marco and his men hasn't tried to hack our systems , nothing major okay , you need to speak to him tomorrow and tell us what he says , he's probably gonna get you to plot against us" she says whilst she's rushing to get ready.

"Are you gonna be okay Jen?" I respond as I walk towards her

"Your mine you know that right" she replies as she smiles , her lips brush against mine and I sigh.

"This needs to be done quick , I wanted to sleep with you and this happens" I roll my eyes , I appreciate the time I have with Jennie and I don't like being disturbed.

"We have so much ahead of us my photographer , don't worry" she says as she plants another kiss to my mouth , I smile when she calls me that , I adore her so much.

She rushes out and I wait up for her , I don't know how long she'll be but I'm worried.

Mummy Jen // JENLISA Where stories live. Discover now