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Irene and I spent our Saturday arranging a way to get Marco out of the country , it's such a simple task to make him sign papers without him realising , but it's very hard to do it with his yes men around him.

So I arranged for Marco's yes men to get the fuck out of my way so I can hurry this process , it's causing my mum and dad major anxiety.

Irene and I went to get Starbucks and then sat outside discussing our plan.

"Oh my god Irene , MANDU " we both turned our head to see Jisoo , Irene's school friend , the one that always called me a Mandu.

"Oh my god Jisoo , hi , you still look the same" she smiled at Irene and hugged her and then pulled me into a hug.

"I know but your little MANDU sister still looks like a MANDU with her chubby cheeks and her beautiful face wow , dumpling you look gorgeous , you always was pretty but"
then we heard a cough

"We get it chu" the girl next to her who I assume is her girlfriend says.

I hate that nickname Mandu , I always used to be so embarrassed by it. And we happen to find Irene's old school friend , the one who used to always pull my cheeks.

"She's a little sister to me my baby, don't worry , I remember when she was this tiny , THIS CHUBBY , her cheeks were even bigger before now their small but still chubby" Jisoo goes on and on and I rolled my eyes then received a kick from Irene to not give attitude.

"So Jisoo what are you doing now?" Irene asks to try and change the topic.

"Well I actually took a couple of years off University , but I heard your a surgeon now?"
She says to Irene whilst smiling for her genuinely , she knows what had happened to our mother so she always was trying to help us at the time but Irene was very distant.

"Thank you Jisoo , I'm sorry about cutting you all off you know what happened at the time and"

"You don't have to explain yourself Irene , it's fine , time heals everything you see , now we found eachother again like we were destined to be friends again" she says whilst she hugs Irene.

"Take my number and we'll meet up too , I assume this is your girlfriend Hi"

Her girlfriend looks way too excited and hyper and too happy whereas I'm sitting here not very interested , especially after the Mandu comment.


"Hi I'm Rosé , so you're Irene & your mandu" I sigh at her and Irene laughs at Rosé's excitement , she's way too happy and she giggled.

"Well alright I'll see you guys around soon" they smiled and left us but before Jisoo left she squeezed my cheek knowing I wasn't happy with the nickname she gave me.

I fake smiled at her as she did it and she went inside and I sighed.

"Your friend Jisoo is ... OH MY GOD UNNIE" I shouted as the sudden realisation hit me

"What what?" She replied panicking

"They are friends with Lisa because which means that if they tell Lisa they met with their old school friend called Irene and her sister Mandu" Irene started snickering which resulted in me making a straight face and rolling my eyes in annoyance.

"Very immature unnie , but if they tell her , then they're gonna find out I'm Marco's wife , then they'll find out that our mum was Marco's ex wife and it will fuck up everything" I run my hands through my hair in shock , right now I'm stressed out as hell. I can't believe we just got ourselves extra shit piled on our plate.

Irene gasped in shock realising what was happening.

"What the fuck do we do?" She becomes just as stressed as I am as we watch them both order their Starbucks drink , a third one which we assume is for Lisa.

"Okay I would say we kidnap them but we're both like 5'2 so they'd eat us for breakfast" Irene adds which causes me to drop my face in my hands in annoyance.

"This isn't a joke unnie" I groan

"I wasn't joking" she silently adds which causes me to look up to her and give her a dirty look.

"Okay maybe you can distract Lisa , ORRRR maybe they won't even tell her about meeting us" she adds

"Did you see how excited they fucking were , they both said the word Mandu 1000 times' I replied in shock.

"Okay so I think I should talk about it to Lisa before they tell Lisa" I add , I hate when Lisa is mad at me , I wanna talk to her instead and make her understand.

I also want her to know that she won't be harmed in the processes & she'll be allowed to live whatever life she gladly wants once were done with Marco.

Just then Jisoo and her girlfriend walked out and sat with us which confused us.

"Your actual name is Jennie right?" Oh shit

"Um it's actually um Elijah , or Nini" Irene added , what a fucking idiot I can't believe my sister sometimes.

"What are you doing Jennie?" She looked at me sternly

"Listen I won't hurt Lisa I promise I won't" I added

"She doesn't know that your mother is Rebecca Kim does she?" Jisoo said

"Nope , but I'll tell her today" I added silently in a sort of whisper , feeling guilty.

"She is our best friend I can't keep shit away from her Jennie " Jisoo adds

"She knows I don't love Marco or have any romantic feelings towards him" I say looking at them hoping they'd understand why I'm doing this.

"Destroy that bastards life , but we all need to protect Lisa , I'm in on helping you guys , after all we're childhood friends" we all smiled at eachother and discussed what we need to do.

I kept thanking them , so grateful that even though they are a bit weird , they mean well.


GANG SHIT , Thank you for 1K reads. I'm all up for constructive criticism btw.

Maria Kendall x

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