8 - red burn

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[warning: triggering content]


red burn

red burn━━━━━━━━━

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Harin's jaw and cheek are sore by now, from how wide her smile has been as she walks through the dark alleys of Gangnam this Wednesday night, the stars above her keeping her company.

Her mind keeps circling around the tall, blonde-haired male with the boxy-grin, the one that makes her heart flutter every time she sees it. Tonight had been so wonderful, his company somehow feels safe and almost homey.
She knows that she's not familiar with all of the different sides to his colorful personality, but she knows that she's more than eager to know more of him. He's intriguing at many points — she want to learn more.

More than what's to know about Kim Taehyung.

That's the only thing that makes her second-guess her decision on going out with him.
Why would he lie about who he is?
Himself and his group are so popular in South Korea — in the entire world.
He has to know that she knew who he was. He must know.

But as exciting it is to be dating the Kim Taehyung of BTS, just as confusing it is — something tells Harin that he doesn't want to be known to her as that guy. He wants to be known as Tae. And she gets it, that's why she hasn't been bursting this perfect little bubble of theirs.
But for how long could she keep the secret of her knowing?

As her sloppy steps nears her home, she can still feel the tingling feeling on her lips, that's feeling cold after Tae's lips left her own. Touching her lips with the tips of her fingers she can feel her cheeks warm up once again thinking about the kiss they had shared, how warm her entire body had felt in that exact moment.
Shaking her head lightly she lifts her head up and just as fast the small smile on her lips fade as she sees one of the rooms in her home lit up.

Furrowing her brows she feels how her stomach drops at the sight and she quickly catch her bottom lip with her teeth, grabbing her phone from her pocket, her eyes widening as she realizes what the time is.

It's almost 2AM by now.

Taking in a deep breath she purse her lips and fish out her keys, putting it slowly and as silent as possible in the keyhole, slowly jerking the door open, wincing her eyes at the creaking sound.
The warmth from the apartment hits her body like a wave of the sea, but she knows that she's in deep already.

She bows down and unties her sneakers, slowly taking them off — trying to be as silent as possible. Being so concentrated she notices she had stopped breathing, the air desperately trying to come to the surface and as she stands up straight, she finally lets it out noticing how her hands tremble slightly.

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