6 - dripping gold

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dripping gold

dripping gold━━━━━━━━━━━

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"No disguise."

Harin's words pounds inside the mind of Taehyung as he studies himself in the body-sized mirror in his room, his head tilted to the side. Nibbling on his bottom lip he narrows his eyes at his reflection before glancing at the clock on his bed-table, noticing he spent too much time on picking an outfit already.

Sighing out aggravated, he runs a hand through his blonde locks of hair before walking to his closet once more.

At the sound of the door bursting open Taehyung turns his head and catch another male with a huge smile plastered on his face walk inside of his room. It's almost like the room lights up from it's dull and dark atmosphere as soon as Hoseok walks inside. Catching sight of Taehyung, Hoseok raises his eyebrows.

"Sorry, didn't know you were in here. I just wanted to borrow that tree-shirt of yours, you know the one I like so much." He says, his eyes widening with a innocent look.

Taehyung's face remains blank, his mind not really in the mood to small-talk since he will be running late if this indecisive outfit picking keeps up this paste. So he just nods his head at Hoseok, who in return grins big and clap his hands excitedly.

"You going somewhere?" Hoseok's voice bothers Taehyung once more making him close his eyes and breathe through his nose.


"Looking like that?" Hoseok raise his voice, putting pressure on the ending of his sentence — his tone teasing.

Taehyung turns around and puts his hands out to the sides while a desperate look paints his delicate features.

"Well probably, since I don't have anything to fucking wear!"

Hoseok cocks up an eyebrow before shaking his head a little at the irritated male in front of him. The blonde hair on him is tousled from him running his hands through it so much.

Shrugging his shoulders, Hoseok walks to Taehyungs closet his hands running over the different types of fabrics inside of the oak storage.

"Let me see what I can do ..." He trails off, his eyes focused on the clothes. He shifts in taking out a pair of trousers, pairing it with a shirt or t-shirt before tilting his head just an inch to the left, indicating that it doesn't fit together.

Taehyung is glancing over Hoseok's shoulder, his eyes wide in hope that his fashion guru would be able to help him out.

"You know it would be easier to help if I knew what the occasion was ..." Hoseok glance over his shoulder and look at Taehyung with an amused glint in his eye, watching how the younger male swallows and darts his eyes to the ground.

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