Chapter 49

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"Trouble PART TWO"

'They said that you are mixed up in some sort of conspiracy son. They're searching your house. Cheryl tried to get hold of you but you weren't available so she managed to get a message to your mother and I'

'So where is she now?'

'Upstairs with a Sergeant son and I'm telling you now, she's not in a good mood and I have to say I don't blame her. Your friend is dead and you are on the other side of the world. It ain't right son and now this.'

Guilt and anger merged into a cauldron of confusion as I tried to control my emotions. My dad was right. Not once had I tried to phone my parents and not once had I tried to phone Elaine to say that I was sorry.

And then it hit me.


In a flash, I could see the body slumped on the ground, blood oozing from its side and I frantically tried to think of what to say. Self-preservation kicked in as my head began racing with all imaginary nightmare scenarios but if they were looking for a murder weapon then surely they wouldn't find it at home because it was left at the scene.

I took in a deep breath, holding on to it for a few seconds before slowly exhaling. My dad was talking again but all I could hear were a few brief words of half sentences. Something about bank accounts, foreign currency. It didn't make any sense.

What had that got to do with Paris?

'Kirk.' My father's voice was trying to penetrate through the fog. 'Kirk – son, are you there?'

I was beginning to feel thirsty, my mouth was dry and every time I swallowed, I could feel my Adams apple pushing into my throat.


This was her brother's fault. Everything – this whole fucking nightmare was down to him and now I was paying the price for my stupidity.

'Kirk answer me son. Your mum is worried. This job. It just isn't you son. Your friend is lying in a mortuary and now you've got police in your house. I'm worried. I don't know who this lady boss of yours is but she doesn't seem to have your best interests at heart believe me.'

His last statement annoyed me. They were all wrong about Max only they were too blind to see her for who she really was. I asked him to go and get Cheryl. In fact I shouted it down the phone.

'If you do just one decent thing in your life dad then get me my FUCKING wife!'

I know he didn't deserve it but my world was falling apart and all I could think of was that it was all down to a man I had never met.

Why he chose me I don't know but it felt as if I was at war.


It was my wife. I tried to calm down.

'Darling. What's going on?'

'What's going on?' Her voice was full of anger. 'You tell me. I don't know what you're playing at but I'm telling you here and now that whatever you've been up to you are not going to drag this family down with you.'

'But I've done nothing wrong!'

'They said it was in connection with John's death so I naturally thought they were here to offer condolences but they weren't. How silly of me. They then started to talk about your job as if I give a rats arse about it anymore. They wanted to know every detail.'

There were three police officers in the house. Two men and a woman.

'They wanted to know how you came by your job. Who employed you. Why you left your last job and yes I told them that once they have that answer then they can tell me because I haven't a fucking clue anymore.'

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