Chapter 13

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"The reunion"


'Ahh Curtis my boy. So glad you could make it.'

Patrick was stood outside waiting when we pulled up in the prearranged taxi. The time just after seven in the evening. The sky was a lovely pale blue and the air was warm. 

He smiled as we approached. I glanced up at the tall building with its many floors and thought how imposing it looked. It even had pillars either side of the entrance which was fronted by a set of revolving glass doors.

Cheryl had chosen an off the shoulder black dress. It was silk, low cut and her figure moved effortlessly in unison within it.  I, on the other hand, was in a tuxedo borrowed from one of our neighbours. 

Pat moved forwards and shook my hand enthusiastically.

'So how are you Curtis my boy? Glad you could come. Sorry you missed the show last night, lots of screeching for me but then I never do understand Opera.'

We walked inside to what could only be described as a scene of immense colour. Long lines of thin multi coloured lace trailed off every object and fell from the ceiling and all around I could see engine parts, huge pictures of drivers with their racing cars while against oak panelled walls racing flags hung of all the famous car manufacturers that had ever raced in the worldwide market that was formula one.

'Are we going into racing?' I asked dubiously.

'Spot on!' Exclaimed Pat. 'Bravo. Quick thinking Curtis my boy and Vickie Wark - do you know her?'

I shook my head stunned.

'Young girl,' said Pat scanning the floor for any sign of her. 'Won the French Rally the other week and came first in her class last year, very good by all accounts and she wants to get into Formula 3000.'

I was impressed. I had watched numerous races of both saloon cars and formula one but never had I been so close to so much of the real thing. I could actually taste the engine oil and smell the exhaust fumes.

I asked if this was a celebration of a new sponsorship deal only to have my Director of personnel laugh in my face.  

'Oh Curtis my boy. Nothing so common. No no no  - we own her dear boy, we own her. She will be racing for us next season under our very own banner. We are opening our own building in Redford and running another car in partnership with a Japanese firm.  Something we need to talk about later but all very exciting stuff and who knows if the young lady is good enough then maybe we will sell her on to one of the big boys.'

So this was an example of the type of acquisition he had been talking about. Not entirely what I had expected and I hinted as much when I questioned whether you could actually own a person.

It produced an all knowing smile.

'Curtis my boy you have so much to learn.'

'Yes he does.' Cheryl raised her voice just loud enough to halt all conversation. She looked first at me and then at my boss. 'It's called manners! Something my husband tends to forget from time to time.'

I swung round red faced. 'Oh I'm so sorry darling. Pat may I introduce my gorgeous wife Cheryl.'  

Pat creased a warming smile as he held out a hand.

'Delighted my dear; positively delighted and quite right too. Where would the world be without manners eh Curtis my boy?'

He moved back so we could all absorb the full splendour of what tonight was all about and the word opulence was probably the only word I would have used. I doubt this event had been put on for less than ten thousand pounds and I could only imagine that it was one of a dozen or so organised every year with no expense spared. Everyone was dressed for the occasion in smart tuxedoes and glittering ball gowns with waiters and waitresses mingling amongst every one of them with trays of wine or champagne. 

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