Chapter 21: motherfucker.

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Bailey's Point of View:

Oh my god. That was Ethan. What. The. Fuck. The people in the room stood idle to hear what the intruder had to say. But every individual soul was physically preparing themselves for what appeared to be an attack - pulling out guns, knives ... whatever their mastery was. You could see the celebrating atmosphere die. What was once bright and cheerful now suddenly became gloomy and unsettling.

"Hello again, motherfuckers... and specifically you, Mr Miu - my mother-fucker. What an evening it has been. Mr Miu thought he had it all. You thought you finally completed your quest. But guess what sir, I'm about to blow your brains out tonight - and not forgetting about your precious gems, Alex and Cole ... the sons you adore so much." Ethan roared like a wicked devil.

Mr Miu was looking around. Cole looked at me and mouthed 'Ethan?' ... I nodded. I looked around for Ace. He was no longer next to frightened Kelly. Kelly was crouched down, helplessly holding her knees.

"Now some of you might be wondering who the fuck I am. And you probably think it's one of the gangs tryna negotiate with you. But no sirs, this is seven hells deeper. Open your ears and record what I'm about to fucking say." Ethan carried on.

While his speech was channeling through the speakers... the men began to scatter... like tigers. Tigers are known to silently sneak for their prey... they keep a down low behind long grasses before they pursue their precise hunt - and that is exactly what these men did. They were all crouched down low, dispersing throughout the spa so that they could see what could be lurking in the dark outside.

"Firstly, Bailey... honey, I know you are inside. I miss you. But fuck you. Secondly, fuck your whole Black Tigers shit. Fuck you, Mr Miu. Fuck your kids. You are one fucking cunt. Now who the fuck am I? Ask your most loyal minion, Mr Nate. The one you asked to keep a son of yours hidden away in Venus. Do you remember a woman with the name Eveleigh Hayes? That blonde looking bitch that you enjoyed busting your nut in so hard? And then realising she was pregnant so you sent her the fuck away with the baby? Well surprise motherfucker. I am the baby. I'm Ethan Hayes and I'm here to fucking get the 22 years back of what I deserve. You must fucking pay and you are paying tonight. Don't let your filthy ass bastard sons touch Bailey. She will always be mine. Prepare yourselves for tonight sirs. I will see you all very, very soon." And just like that, Ethan chuckled and disappeared like a phantom. The lights of the spa joined him and there was a complete blackout.

Oh my god. Shit. What do we do. I turned to Cole and all I wanted to say was that I'm sorry. But what the fuck? Ethan is Mr Miu's bastard child? What????? Ace and Cole are his half brother? What????? I was properly speechless. A spell was casted onto Cole - he froze in shock. I guess we all figured out those questions we couldn't answer. First of all, all that brother shit. Second of all, Ethan's connection. We could all individually fit the puzzle pieces together and see the grand scheme.

"Cole. I'm so sorry. We need to do something. Ethan is going to attack. Your Uncle Nate knows of the security operations of the spa. We need to head to the security office right now ... to see what's going on." I suggested.

Cole was dispelled from his shock... he then looked into my eyes and nodded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me swiftly while we made our way to the security chambers. We kept a down low. I could see men of the gang making their way outside in little groups.

The security office was on the third floor. We couldn't take the elevators because it would be unsafe and stupid to do so. Stairs would be the only practical way. By the time I got to the second floor, my tummy began to pain. It felt like my baby was one-punch-manning me on the inside. I was beat.

I kept going. I couldn't stop and give Cole another thing to worry about. We eventually made it to the third floor. I was still holding Cole's hand from behind ... while we slowly walked towards the security room. It was slightly lit inside. It definitely looks like someone was inside. Fuck, could it be one of Ethan's men?

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