Chapter 14: queen paranoia.

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Bailey's Point of View:

Life was pacing at the speed of a Lamborghini. My tummy was doubling in size and my academics were piling up to the roof. Stress season was kicking in like the cold winter. I've been feeling all sorts of emotions lately. I'm assuming the hormones are just playing it's part in the pregnancy. But I've been very paranoid, quite moody and extremely anxious. I haven't even had a chance to do some pre-baby shopping - well put it this way, I've been procrastinating. I've been trying to mentally prepare myself for Ethan's child. I haven't even thought of a name. Don't get me wrong, I love my baby boy and I swear on my life to always be his guardian angel. Ace has also reassured me he will not see my boy as someone else's. But what if my boy grows up and realises he looks different to Ace and everyone. Ethan has dominantly Caucasian genes. We don't know who fathered him so he does have some mixed ethnicity going on but he still looks white like his mother and he is considered white. You see, this is the stuff that consumes my mind all day. Not Ace. Not Cole. Not my studies. I seriously need to get my shit together, especially coz my delivery is in less than three months.

The time had ticked to the hour for me to knock off. As usual, I waited for Olivia to gather her things so we could drift home. But today, my instincts tingled. Something was off. I'm not normally a superstitious person but my body just couldn't come to terms with the strange air.

"Olivia, something seems wrong." I nervously said.

"What do you mean baby girl?" Olivia looked confused. I felt a bit embarrassed.

"My instincts are telling me to keep an eye out for something. Something feels wrong." I said again. I had to be assertive because I don't ever feel like this.

"Are you sure you're not just paranoid because of your hormones? How about this, call up one of the brothers and see if they know whatsup?" She suggested.

I shrugged and picked up my phone and scrolled through my chats. Cole's chat was on top, Ace's was second. Who do I ask?

Uhm. I'm honestly hesitating texting Ace. What if he was with Kelly. What if it's at an awkward time? Let me just text Cole.

Hey Cole! Something seems a bit off here at the Spa. Have you perhaps heard of anything?

There wasn't a response. I guess I'll just take the crown for Queen Paranoia. Eventually my senses gave up and I decided to tell Olivia I'm fine and we can get going. We packed and locked up and began walking to the bus station that was approximately eight minutes away.

On our way, my senses tingled again. Something was definitely off. I swung my head back but there was no one. I swung my head left ... and right ... but only could see the walking shadows of us. I guess it's just me but I do feel like someone is following me.

A few minutes later, I could somewhat hear footsteps pacing behind me. The footsteps mimicked the speed of a metronome - gradually gaining beat and speed. Someone was definitely following me.

I gathered courage, gulped a deep breath and swung my body around and yelled "Who the fuck are you! Why are you following us?!"


It was Cole. "Hey hey hey, it's me." He said catching his breath and holding his palm up against his chest.

I was agitated. "Cole what are you doing playing hide and seek with me? I've been feeling off like someone has been following me all day and here you are making me paranoid as fuck." What was he thinking?

"No Bailey, I just got here. I've been at the harbour all day. As soon as I got your text, I jumped into my car and came here as quickly as possible. I ran after you because I wanted to make sure you guys would safely get onto the bus." Cole said while breathing heavily - almost with struggle.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry, I made a mistake. Are you okay? Why are you struggling to breathe like that?" This was unusual, a young guy shouldn't lose his breath that quickly. Was he sick?

Cole smiled in response and said "No, it's nothing. I'm glad you guys are safe. Come, let's go home." And we all took the bus to Olivia's.

Uncle Nate's Point of View:

I've been observing Bailey for a couple of days now. She is nothing but an ordinary pregnant girl. She goes to work on time, studies in between and does her delegated duties at the spa. Nothing special. But tonight, Cole appeared, running after her. What was their relationship?

Things are really at stake. Is this girl worth me losing my loyalty to the gang and risking my life? Is this girl worth the betrayal I might commit with the love of my life and her son? What do I do? Someone tell me? What the fuck would J Miu. do?

Well J Miu. obviously made the choice to prioritise women in his life. I mean, the late Mrs Miu. and her. Maybe I should do so too. I have nothing to lose. I've never prioritised myself. I guess this is the road I must take at this split end. And I will deal with the consequences.

Dialling Ethan ...

No answer. That child is probably drunk in his head again.

Hey Ethan. Drop me a call. I have some important information for you. I found her.

Sorry for the slow updates, it's exam season here and all.

Jess x

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