Chapter 12: he's back.

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Ace's Point of View:

I did it because I could see how Cole's eyes lit up when she walked in. I did it because I'm selfish and I don't want to lose someone that reminds me of her. Bailey resembles Lila so much. She's my only hope of getting over her and starting fresh. I'm sorry Cole. Forgive your brother for being a hopeless romantic.

"Ace, that was so sudden. I thought you'd at least tell me in advance." Bailey said as we were walking to the car.

"I know, it was something I wanted to do in the spur of the moment. I'm sorry. I hope you're alright with it." I responded.

"We have some things to talk about - some things to sort out. Firstly, Kelly. Secondly, my father." How was I going to do this. Maybe I can lie about the child being mine, that I asked Cole to keep it a secret for me.

"Are you sure about this? I mean - we barely know each other. Don't you think we're rushing into things too quickly?" Bailey questioned. She looked confused. I know none of this makes sense. But it's my only hope.

"Do you believe in love?" I asked.

With a quick response, Bailey said, "I used to."

Early Monday Morning:
Ethan's Point of View:

Fucking hell. Where the fuck is she. I've been calling her, texting her but nothing seems to reach her. She slipped out of my fingers just like that. Who was that cunt who took her from me? I need to find a way. I'm going to find her on her campus. She starts today, I'm going to find her and I'm going to bring her home back into my arms.

There were so many students lurking these grounds. Tall girls, short girls, pretty girls, hot girls but none of them was my Bailey. I know I fucked up but she didn't have a right to leave with some other cunt. Who the fuck was he. Where did he take her? I've been searching for her for two weeks - waited outside my apartment block every night hoping she'd come back into my life but I'm left disappointed. I know I fucked up. I need to tell her I'll make things right.

I waited for so long but there was no sign of her. I'm going to go home and execute my last resort. My mother. I wanted to cut all loose ends with her but she's the only person who has the resources to find out what I need to know.

Dialling Eveleigh ...

"Eveleigh speaking. Hello?" She answered. Fuck this. After how much hell she put me through, I hate the sound that comes out of her bitching mouth .

"It's me." I said.

"It's who?" The confusion and ignorance that came out of her bloody mouth made me even angrier. She didn't recognise her own child's voice.

"It's your fucking mistake, Ethan." I roared.

"Oh Ethan baby, where have you been? Did you go on holiday?" Holiday? Is she this fucking stupid to think I'd just go on holiday? But it was pointless telling her what my real motive was - seeing that I need her help now.

"Yes, whatever, mom. I need your help. Bailey is missing. Some cunt took her. I need your help. I had an accident that night - I got drunk. And some cunt took her." I tried to explain myself without exposing too much.

"Took her? What do you mean took her? She got kidnapped?" My mom sounded worried - for once.

"I don't know mom. She's missing. But I need your help. I'm in Vice City. Uncle Nate organised my transport and accommodation here. I need to find that cunt who took her from me." Uncle Nate was my connection - he is my mom's friend who has always been somewhat a father to me. He was a busy man - part of some pack or gang or some shit.

"Have you told Uncle Nate then? He has connections in Vice City and Venus. Call him or meet up with him. Tell him what you know. But why are you there in that city?" She sounded more concerned about me being in the city rather than Bailey's disappearance. It was very unlike her.

"I needed a break. But I will. Please could you send me some money." I might as well - she owes me.

"Okay will do baby. Call me as soon as you figure something out. But don't get involved with people in that city. Things are not as white as it seems. Love you." And she hung up.

I didn't want to beg for her help. I didn't want to be associated with her anymore. She is the reason I'm like this. I have been a drinker since I was 15 - to help me cope with all the men who come into my house just for a piece of my mom's pussy, to help me cope with being lonely. I wish I had a normal family. Fuck riches, I just want a father, and a mother who loves me.

Dialling Uncle Nate...

But there was no response. I'll just text him I guess.

Hey Uncle Nate. It's Ethan. Thank you for getting me here. I need your help again - Bailey is missing. Someone from this city took her from me. Will you please call me ASAP?

I don't know what else I can do. I might as well crack a Heineken open until he responds.

*bzzz bzzz*

Ethan. Will respond later. - Uncle Nate.

It's about to get dramatic.

Jess x

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