Chapter 19: investigation part 2.

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Bailey's Point of View:

The irony to all of this is, I don't know how to answer any of the questions of someone I was married to... of someone I spent half my life with. The time didn't wait and a few hours had already past since we all began our investigation.

Ace ordered takeouts - well pizza to be specific especially because it's the easiest option when there's a community of people. We all sat in silence, devouring the cheesy crust. Everyone was pondering about the mystery of Ethan Hayes.

I cleared my throat. "We have done research on Ethan and research on his mother but that doesn't seem to solve anything. The only other person in the equation is your Uncle Nate." I looked simultaneously at the two brothers.

"Well, Uncle Nate has been in the gang for over twenty years or something now. He has always been my father's most loyal chess piece. I don't know him to have any family seeing that he rarely takes leave. He also doesn't associate himself with anyone else other than those in the gang." Cole responded. He didn't sound like he had any suspicion of him.

"But still, why would he ask Kai about Bailey? That makes it very suspicious. Especially because neither of you boys have heard from your father recently." Olivia added.

Cole looked triggered by a thought. "Well, Alex. Why don't you see if the old man has suspicions over you and Bailey? If he does then that will confirm why Uncle Nate enquired about her."

"That's true. But what should I say?" Alex asked.

"Ooh, I know! Ask him about when he thinks you and Kelly should set the date. If he doesn't question you and sounds happy, then he doesn't have me at the back of his mind." I felt all sorts of emotions, especially because I'm openly speaking about being the third person in his relationship with Kelly.

Ace fiddled for his phone and began to make a call.

"Hello, son. What do you want?" The voice said at the other end of the call. We could all indirectly join in on the conversation because his father was on loud speaker.

"Uhm Hi dad. I was just wondering if you have a date for the wedding." Ace asked nervously, pretending to be interested.

"Oh son! Have you finally decided that it's time! I knew Kelly would be the one. I will have a look at which dates symbolises prosperity. We don't sleep on such tradition in our culture. Tomorrow is Friday... We will make a big announcement at the spa. Don't forget to bring Kelly with, my son." He chuckled of excitement and contentment.

Shit. Maybe that wasn't the best thing to ask his father. Especially because Ace plans on ending things with Kelly. But I guess he can just think of something else when the time is right.

"Okay, so it doesn't seem like my father knows about anything." Ace reassured.

"So what was Uncle Nate's motive?" I asked again.

"It's getting late everyone. Some of us still have work tomorrow. We can arrange for another discussion later." Cole ordered.

The mystery was left unsolved - it was almost like we didn't answer any of the questions we have. Why Ethan called the boys brother. How Ethan got hold of Ace's number. Who is Ethan's connection. Why Uncle Nate asked about me. My head was starting to hurt.

Everyone left Olivia's place and I was getting ready for bed. I filled the bath with steaming hot water and dripped a few drops of lavender essential oil just to soothe the aches from the baby and the stress. I am still yet to think of a name. Jaden. Carter. Tobias. This is one of the hardest decisions I've ever come across. Especially because it's going to be my baby's name for the rest of his life. He will be known by his name. He will walk with his name until he sleeps into the ground. I grabbed my robe and walked to Olivia's room.

"Olivia, are you still awake?" I knocked on her door gently.

"Yes darling, come in." She invited me into her cherry blossom room.

"Olivia, I need your help. I'm struggling to give my baby a name." My face was a bit flushed.

"Oh that is something so exciting to do! Have you got any ideas? Let's brainstorm my girl." A smile travelled ear to ear.

"Uhm. Jaden, Carter, Ashley and Tobias." I listed.

"Do any of those names have specific meanings?" She asked.

"Jaden means 'God has heard.' Uh, Carter means a transporter. I think Ashley has something to do with a tree. And Tobias 'God is good'. I'm not so much of the religious connotation behind the name FYI." I joked.

"Well Carter is a nice second name. Hmmm Jaden Carter Milano. Ashley Carter Milano. Tobias Carter Milano. What do you think sounds best?" Olivia repeated.

I listened carefully to the combination of names. Maybe I'll go with Ashley Carter Milano. It was at that moment I realised both of those names start with the same letters as Alex and Cole. Maybe it's a sign. I'm so silly.

"Ashley Carter Milano it is!" I screeched with excitement. "Thank you so much Olivia. Love you. Goodnight." And I left her room kissing her goodnight.

I can't wait to tell the boys about the name I chose. I hope they both grow as handsome and tall and cute as the two brothers. My boy is going to have everyone's jaw drop.

Later that evening I decided to text Ace. We haven't spoken in a while.

Hey Ace. Are you still awake?

Hey love. Yes, I am. What's up? He replied.

I was just wondering what you're going to do about Kelly. What we are going to do.

That has been on my mind too - especially because of what I had asked my father earlier this evening. Bailey, I think tomorrow night I'm going to call it off.

But how? Your father plans on making a big announcement? What's going to happen to Kelly? Don't you think you should do it afterwards?

Fuck. You're right. Okay, we will let tomorrow play it's job and figure it out later. Goodnight. I have to go.

Goodnight Ace <3

For some reason, I felt this pressure. It's that feeling ... that instinct that something isn't right. I don't know why I always have this lump in my throat ... this hesitation whenever I speak to Ace. Surely he is any girl's dream. He is respectful, educated, handsome ... but something just doesn't feel right. I hope I figure it out soon.

What is Bailey feeling?

Jess x

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