Chapter 3: the first day.

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Bailey's Point of View:

C's brother took his aviators off and asked "Dany, right?" Dany? Who's Dany? Oh wait. My goldfish memory almost forgot I gave them a pseudo name.

"Yes," I responded nervously. He looked into my eyes at that moment and all of a sudden, a magnetic field connected our eyes together like dots. If chemistry was visible, you'd witness it now. I got lost in his dark eyes, but that was merely an understatement of what I was feeling.

"We need to be on our way." He quickly snapped. And that sentence instantly destroyed the magnetic field of chemistry.

Silence was the only sound you could hear other than the roaring engine. For the next 10 minutes, I was a stone statue sitting on the passenger seat. C's brother cleared his throat. "I'm C's older brother, uhh everyone calls me Ace. C needed to urgently run last minute errands for my dad or else one of our armed deals would be forfeited. He didn't trust the weaklings to take you so he paid me a visit and begged for a favour at fucking 7 this morning. You must be pretty special to him. Is that his child you're expecting?"

I was shook to my core. What is up with this family and being forward. Seriously, they're nosier than those tea spill channels on YouTube. But I had to respond. "No no, the baby isn't his. We met yesterday - I was stranded in your neighbourhood and your brother came to my rescue."

For the first time in 2 weeks, I actually felt ... anticipated to live. We moved here about a month ago and things just rocketed south. Well still is. It just hit me that the semester commences in 2 weeks time, I need to somehow find the equilibrium between work and class.

"So where are you from?" Ace asked me. "Venus. But I got a scholarship here. I'm enrolled into a Computer Programming and Web Designing course. I've always been intrigued by how things can literally be made of 1's and 0's." I said with enthusiasm. "I'm passionate about everything computer related. My wildest dream is to be that geek chick that everyone depends their life on. You know, like Ramsey from the Fast and Furious series. I'm probably a bit rusty with my child-like hacking capabilities. But soon enough, I'll be dominating the dark web."

I added with a dramatic wink. Ace grinned, but his grin was a 'lol-this-chick-is-mad'- type of grin. I didn't care though. It was my wild dream to pursue.

We finally arrived at the spa.

• The Tiger's Club •

If I didn't know in advance it was a spa, I would've thought it was a martial arts school or some shit. But the exterior of the premise did give off an atmosphere of comfort. I caught a whiff of the sandalwood, nectarine infused candle burning on the front desk. Ace walked me in. He was at least 6 ft tall. C was probably a 5'10.

"Good Morning Mr Ace!" An Asian girl popped up like a music box by the front desk.

"Hi. She's the new receptionist. You know what to do." Ace responded sternly with his hands in his pockets.

"Yes sir, this way please Miss Dany." And she lured me to the staff room.

"Hi! My name is Olivia. I'm here to help you at anytime. I was given orders to be a friend to you by one of the higher authorities. Don't worry, you'll be taken extra care of. The only time I won't be around will be when my special client has an appointment with me." She winked at me and added, "So doors officially open for business at 10 in the morning. But work and admin duties starts at 09:30 so that our day runs smoothly. Every Friday night, the Tigers will gather themselves here and feast together. And that's also time for us to let the stress loose!"

I was rather confused. "What do you mean? tigers?"

Olivia's laugh bursted like fireworks, "Oh my sweet girl, not the animal. Aren't you aware that the gang name is Black Tiger? The founder was Asian and obsessed with Tigers. Rumour has it that he had one as a pet." Olivia then pointed to a white towel that had "黑虎" embroidered in the corner. And that's when I realised that the entire place was filled with those two Asian characters.

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