"Though I haven't made you my queen yet, you speak like one. I never thought of that, instead thought of the advantages that my kingdom would get." 

He slowly lifted his wings and wrapped it around Amanda; pulling her closer to him. The wings encircled her like a feather blanket.

Both stared and gradually leaned towards each other.

I prepared my hands to close my hands and stop myself from staring at the way they were going to share cooties.

However, a loud bang of the door interrupted them.

"My king."

My head snapped towards where the voice came from. My eyes widened at who I saw there standing. I blinked two times to check whether my eyes were betraying me. But no, she was standing there.

Kathy was standing there.

What was she doing here? What was she doing in my illusions?

"What do you want Vanessa?" Leonardo asked unwrapping his wings from around Amanda.

Vanessa? Wasn't she Kathy?

Oh, I guess Vaness was the Xerox copy of Kathy.

What does that mean?

Amanda looks like me, Leonardo like Xanthos, Ethan like Mason and now Vanessa and Kathy look same.

Are these illusions some stunt to make me believe all of this? No, reincarnation can't be real. It can't be.

But then, I always have thought magic just existed in storybooks but soon I came to know it does exist.

So that also means reincarnation is possible too.

I was really confused with what all was taking place around me.

"I heard your conversation with this human," Vanessa said while glaring at Amanda. Without missing a beat, she started speaking, "According to me, this supernatural world requires a union, a body which represents us, the fellow creatures under you." Leonardo took a step away from Amanda. His face scrunched in confusion. "This human here knows that once there would a union formed, then humans would be completely out of this realm and the power she has over you and the other creatures by showing her fake compassion to them would get worn out."

Leonardo took a menacing step towards Kathy. "Don't talk ill about my mate."

Kathy tilted her head to her right. "Well, your mate is human and I'm not talking ill about her. I was just stating facts." She shrugged her shoulders and straightened her head. "What do you think about my opinion? Take my opinion to be people's opinion."

I scowled. Who does she think about herself?

Amanda shook her head. "Don't get into her talks, Leonardo."

Kathy smiled. "My king, I also have a few companions who were listening to your conversation."

She was practically eavesdropping. Bitch.

I ignored the fact that it was my first time cursing at someone and saw the group of people entering the room.

"Alpha." They bowed their head. There were four people excluding Vanessa. Two girls of the same age as Vanessa and two men who looked to be in their late twenties.

I have seen those two men somewhere but where? One man was bald and the other was having jet black hair with black eyes.

Leonardo nodded his head; asking them to continue.

Before they could start taking, Amanda interrupted them. "You were eavesdropping?"

"You can't name it to be eavesdropping when you two were speaking loudly, human." A girl with pink eyes and white hair spoke. She looked really unique but the tone she used was filled with arrogance.

Amanda glared at her but stopped when Leonardo face her a side look.

Why were they being so distinct to one another when they confessed they love each other?

"What do you think, my friends? Is our opinion better than that human there?" Vanessa asked for which they all muttered a 'yes'. It sounded robotic.

Something wasn't right.

Leonardo glanced at Amanda.

"I feel this all to be planned. Don't believe them, something seems to be suspicious." Amanda muttered.

Leonardo ignored Amanda and smiled a grateful smile towards the group standing there. They grinned back happily.

What in the world was Leonardo doing?

"By considering all your opinions, the union would be formed," Leonardo answered robotically.

"How we wish Vanessa to be your mate and our queen." The unique-looking girl had a fake dreamy look on her face.

I so wanted to smash her head against a wall.

Who was she to decide? Moon goddess?

Leo is my mate and I'm his. Vanessa or no other person can be his--

Hold on, why am I thinking like that? What's wrong with me?

I jerked forward and all of a sudden the room shifted around me. Nausea hit me but I concentrated on my surroundings.

Bright white light surrounded me and blinded my view.

I felt a soft touch at my earlobe. "You're Amanda. Amanda is you."

I shrieked and trashed to move from the place I was stuck. But I couldn't.

"You're Amanda. Amanda is you." The voice sounded neither feminine nor masculine.

"I'm--" I started but got cut off.

"Save us, your world needs you. You are our queen. Queen Amanda save us. King Leonardo needs you by his side. He is waiting for you." The light whisper barely reached my ears.

"Who are you? Who am I?" I yelled but got no reply.

I squealed when I realized I was falling drastically from where I was stuck. Also, I had no idea where I was.

The white light faded away from my vision, separating like a mist. 

My eyes widened at what I saw in front of me.

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