The Day I'll Stop Loving You

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Prompt by: Janafo28

It was close to midnight already and Lena still wasn't in bed. You could still hear her typing away in her office and you just knew that if you didn't make her go to bed now that she'll end up staying up all night. You got out of bed and put on your slippers to make your way to Lena.

Lena heard you walk in but didn't look up as she continued typing.

"Hey love? Can you get me.."

You could already tell where this was going so you stopped her from continuing.

"You just love telling me what to do, don't you?"

She just looks at your and smirks.

"Well you're the one who loves taking orders from me."

Lena then turned to look back at her screen and continued typing.

"One day, I'll stop taking orders from you."

"Mhm. That would be the day I'll stop loving you."

You took a seat at the edge of her table, placing your finger under her chin to make you look at her.

"No, you won't."

You whispered to her as you kissed her.

"We'll see. For now, go get me some coffee. I still have a lot of work to do and I need a caffeine boost."

You rolled your eyes at her but still stood up to head to the kitchen.

"Yes dear."

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