Waiting Room

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A few hours later Nikki is still sat in A&E this time awaiting Poppy's cast to be put on as the doctors have found a small greenstick fracture. She is currently trying to sooth a Maddison who hasn't settled for the past half hour, as well as Maddison not being able to settle Poppy has been crying as well but has now got comfortable on Nikki's knee. 

She rests Poppy against her chest and pats her back gently trying to get some peace and quiet out of her crying baby. "Come on baby, just for five minutes" Nikki sighs and kisses her head gently. 
After many attempts at getting Poppy to take her bottle, she gives up and puts the bottle back in the changing bag and grabs a small blanket and drapes it over her shoulder before unclipping the strap on her nursing bra and rolling her top up before bringing Maddison closer until she latches. 

"Steady on darling, there is only so much I can give you in one go!" Nikki chuckles as Maddison suckles ravenously.

"Mummy... me want to go home!" Poppy mumbles as she moves slightly and looks up at her Mum.
"Soon darling I promise, remember the Nurse wants to put a special bandage on your arm to help with the pain" Nikki smiles down at her and Poppy nods and rolls back onto her side. 

They sit there for a while longer before she sees someone stop and stand facing her, she looks up from the floor expecting to get a lecture about breastfeeding in public, she takes a deep breath to keep her cool as shes wound up by both of her children. 
She looks up to see Jack standing before her with a grin on his face. "What the hell!" Nikki says a little unsure of how to react. 

"Daddy!" Poppy grins and gets down off the chair and hugs his legs.
"Hey kiddo, what has Mummy been doing to you ay?" Jack smirks as he crouches down and pulls Poppy into a tight up. 
"Ouch! Daddy me fell over Maddison," She grins as she looks down at her sling. 
"Poor mite, Mummy is seriously only good with dead people" He jokes and scoops Poppy up and sits down on the chair beside Nikki. 

Poppy cuddles into Jack, He looks across at Nikki and smiles before kissing her shoulder and peering under the small blanket at Maddison, "Excuse me Jack" Nikki chuckles and bats him away with her free arm. 

"Only want to see my daughter, god all you think I think about is breasts... and I don't" He replies and kisses her shoulder again. 
"Erm... yes you do Jack Hodgson... last night what was you doing when I was trying to get changed, or when I was trying to cook dinner" Nikki replies and Jack huffs dramatically. 

He sits there for a while longer with them in silence as Nikki ends up burping Maddison and sorting herself out before placing her down in the pushchair before placing the blanket over her legs and grabbing her own coat to place over Poppy who is fast asleep on Jack. 

Nikki then rests her head into Jack's side and he places his arm around her, "Hey what is wrong?" Jack asks noticing Nikki sniffling. 
She doesn't reply for a moment as she wipes her eyes, "Nikki Alexander... are you crying?" he questions and she laughs a little and wipes her eyes with her sleeve. "Tell me then" He replies. 

She sighs and laughs it off, "it's silly really" She replies. 
"How come?" He questions. 
"Honestly it's so silly, I'm just so tired, and I have two girls to look after, I'm not even doing a good job look at what happened to Poppy today, I'm a liability. The social is going to be on my back now" Nikki spills all too quickly and bursts into tears. 

Jack sighs and wraps both his arms around his partner and holds her tight. "Nikki I promise you, you are doing a brilliant job with the girls, Look how bright Poppy is becoming, this is all because of you, Maddison is growing at the expected rate and has gained plenty of weight since birth. What Poppy did was an accident, silly little accident! Come on Niks I used to break bones all the time as a child... now look at me, I'm off work in two days time for a week. And you know I will always get up in the night to do Maddison's night feeds" Jack replies supportively and kisses her head while holding her tight. 

Nikki sighs contently and relaxes into Jack's chest and holds his t-shirt tightly before kissing her head once again. 
They remain there for another hour before Poppy gets called through for the plaster cast, within ten minutes she is plastered up and given an appointment at the fracture clinic for in two days time where they will assess the break and further details, they are then allowed to go home which is a big relief to Jack and Nikki who just want to go home and be normal again. 

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