Buried Under a Tree?

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Jack hurries out of the pub brushing past a few people as he does so, He stops as he comes outside the pub and looks for Nikki, he notices her walking towards a bridge, she sits herself down on the stone wall of the bridge and watches the brook below herself.

"Nik?" Jack calls, Nikki looks up before getting up and walking off, "Nikki!" Jack calls and jogs to catch up with her.

"Leave me alone," Nikki says as she keeps walking.
Jack grabs Nikki's shoulder and stops her, "What is wrong?" He questions as he turns her slowly and places both hands on her shoulders.

"Nothing leave it!" She huffs and keeps looking down at the floor.
"I'm not leaving it, you're clearly upset... who has said something?" He replies instantly thinking someone has made a comment about Nikki.

She shakes her head and wipes her eyes, "We're not going anywhere until you tell me what is wrong!" Jack replies in a firm tone but with a smile.

"Siobhan..." She begins.
Nikki turns and carries on walking, "What are you on about what has she done?" Jack says and continues to follow her.
"Silly really" Nikki replies.
Jack laughs and rolls his eyes, "You've killed her?" He chuckles.

Nikki shoots him a dirty look and stops by a tall oak tree. "No!"
Jack chuckles at her, "So come on what tree did you bury my cousin under" He smirks.

"Jack this is not funny!, I didn't kill her... Well, I came close too" She replies.
"So tell me what happened then!" Jack says raising an eyebrow.
"She... she... she kisses me" Nikki replies hoping Jack understands what she means.
"I'm sure it was just a friendly kiss" Jack smiles.

They both look at each other for a while and then he catches on but waits for Nikki to clarify this. "No Jack, she kissed me... not a friendly kiss. She properly kissed me, like a snog... I'm sorry" Nikki mumbles.

He looks at her in shock and folds his arms, "So what did you do?" He questions.
"Before you presume anything... I pushed her off, it's insane, I kept trying to tell her I'm not interested but she wouldn't listen."

Jack laughs slightly before pulling her into a hug and holding her as close as possible, "She's an idiot, trust me...she never catches any drifts that mean no" He smiles and kisses the top of Nikki's head.

"You're not mad?" Nikki quizzes and raises an eyebrow as they pull away slightly from a hug.

"No!" Jack laughs and moves his hands to her hips. "I'm not mad... It's one of my fantasies though... you kissing another woman" He teases.

Nikki gasps in disgust and smacks him in his manhood area. "Jack!" She giggles.
Jack moves his hands to guard his manhood area and frowns at Nikki, "That hurt... evil!" he moans as he came sharp.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Nikki panics thinking she has actually hurt him when really Jack is winding her up.

He doubles over, playing her a bit more, before starting to laugh at her and standing upright, "Jack! You absolute arsehole!" Nikki says hitting his shoulder again. "You better watch your back, Mr Hodgson... I know how to murder someone and get away with it" She says with a sinister look.

"You well and truly scare me, Dr. Alexander" He smiles as he leans in and kisses her with some passion.

Jack takes Nikki's hand and guides her back to the pub, "We better rescue Aunt Josephine... Poppy is probably running rings around her" He chuckles as they walk back to the pub hand in hand.

As they walk into the pub, Nikki and Jack both head over to Josephine who has Poppy sat on her lap eating another cupcake, "See running rings around her... now come and get a drink with me" Jack smiles as they both head to the bar.

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