Yukiko has both her hands on her cheeks, eyes still somewhat sleepy. She looked at the small pond infront of her then to the man beside her. She stared at his eyes that seems to light up together with the sunlight filtering through the trees.

She reaches out a dainty hand and touched his face, seemingly trying to confirm something.

A chuckle escaped from the lips of the King, who found this aloof action of the woman infront of him adorable.

"You aren't dreaming. I'm really here." He held the hand that reached out to him, bringing it close to his lips. Before he could give it his sign of affection, the lady had pulled it away.

"You didn't have to do that." She replied, covering her mouth as a small yawn escapes. "I'm sorry if I inconvenience you in someway. Thank you for providing me comfort."

Handing her the wrapped snack, a faint and small sound eminated from the lady's stomach. The calm facade she had immediately flared up red in embarassment.

"It seems that the Queen is hungry!" He beamed as he pushed it closer to her.

"Don't you dare laugh!" She almost screamed, covering her face in utter shame.

Despite the threat, the King of Sindria laughed from the bottom of his heart seeing her act like a child.

"That was a cute sound. I can listen to it forever!"

"Stop!" She cried out.

Continuing the useless banter, Yukiko accepted the food and started eating it. There was a faint light in her eyes as she enjoys the confectionary.

Moments later, they found themselves walking in the private gardes near the Purple Leo Tower which have limited access to others who aren't permitted by the king.

"The summit is drawing closer each day. Have you prepared, Yukiko?"

"I don't necessarily have to prepare for we are to join with the Kou Empire, but... I am conflicted at the recent development of events happening with the system they have." She explained as she walked along side him, with Sinbad shielding them from the sun's rays using her parasol.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Prince Kouen and I have reached an impasse about my people." She openly said to him.

"...are you sure that you should be saying that to me? Aren't our countries enemies?" He peeked at her face.

"Maybe Sindria and Kou but not Xue. I do not plan to drag my people to meaningless territorial wars. If I could be the sacrifice for my hundred thousand people, I would gladly offer myself to fight in their stead."

Those words were heavy, Sinbad had thought. For some unknown reason her words lingered in his mind and gave him an unsettled feeling in his chest.

"I may have come to a decision that will sorely affect our future but its for the best. Some may not understand it immediately but I do hope they accept. Afterall, is there a ruler who would want to see his people suffer and languish in pain?" She continued being awfully cryptic of her statements that makes Sinbad's conscience nag him.

Shaking off the feeling of unrest in him, he guided her to one of the small marble pavilion and made her sit down on the stone bench situated in the middle of it.

"Let me see your arm."

To his surprise, she immediately obeyed and presented it to him. Observing the long and faint red scratch marks that ran from her wrist to her arms with little crescents littered here and there, he held her hand tightly. She also stared at the damage she has done to herself.

Sinbad sighed inaudibly before starting

"...please don't hurt yourself like this. Do not shoulder the pain by yourself. Aoren and Kurosaki are there for you. Aladdin and the others are here for you... I'm here for you." Sinbad looked at her which surprised him yet again, because because Yukiko was smiling at him softly, kindly, blissfully.

"I knew that I wasn't completely wrong for holding you dear in my heart, Sin. You are a kind person through and through. Your ideals and plans are different from mine and some may perceive you as someone twisted but that is carefully calculated. You belive in a future that you think will make everyone live in peace and prosperity, but your methods are something I frown upon to be honest. That is one of the reasons why we can't seem to agree with each other sometimes." A small chuckle escaped her lips. "...a king will do anything to protect his own country. In that, we are similar."

She held his hand back giving it a light squeeze when she saw his face contort to quivering fury for himself. It was because of recalling his method of using her and warping her feelings to fully control her as some mere pawn, all the while spatting insults to her very being. Yukiko pushed his fringe to the side and took a peek at his face.

"I'm over it. Do not think about it anymore. We can never return to the past but we can always fix the present, Sinbad. Didn't we already reconcile?" She let out a small laugh after Sinbad sighed deeply.

"Let me dress your wounds. Please take care of yourself more." He used the bandages to wrap it around her arms after applying a healing balm on it. "There."

"Thank you, Sin."

It was silent after that, but it was comforting. It was just them together, at peace with each other.

"We are different from each other, yet so similar. What have we done to reach this place? What could've we done differently?" She said meanigfully. "It feels like time is about to end...and it terrifies me."

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