38: Sinbad and Yukiko

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Sinbad and Yukiko

"Sinbad..Wake up.. King Sinbad.."

The voice kept on resounding inside Sinbad's head waking him up. He was temporarily blinded with the sunlight after he heard his curtains being spread opened.

"Yukiko-- I mean Your Majesty! You don't have to do this. I sincerely apologize for not being able to wake him up early."

"It's fine, Jafar. I don't really have anything to do without this guy accompanying me since he promised to. If I move around by myself, some may interpret it wrongly."

Hearing the familiar female voice of the one who used to wake him up every morning made him immediately sit up from his comfortable bed.


"Sin! Put on some clothes!" Jafar covered him with a sheet and pushed him down his bed before regaining his composure. "I'm sorry. I knew this would happen. He must've drunk a lot last night while I wasn't watching."

"N-No..I-I'm used to it. Just a little bit surprised that's all." She stuttered a bit before looking away. "Since he's awake now, I'll be taking my leave. I'll be by the shopping district's entrance by noon. I moved the time since it seems that you still have a packed schedule.." She hurriedly left, slightly slamming the door in the process. "Good morning by the way.." she whispered.

"Sin," a cold voice called him, "get up already!" Jafar yelled followed with a smack of a giant pillow to his face. "Her Majesty even went out of her way to get you! Your late so move it!"

• • • • •

'Yukiko was in my room this morning. That's a surprise. She was even calling me without any honorifics and--'

"My king, is there something that is bothering you?" Asked Yamuraiha who paused her report when she noticed that their purple haired king is kind of distracted.

Sinbad looked at her before upon being broken away from his train of thoughts about this morning's happenings. Waving a dismissive hand, he urged her to continue with her report.

"Well then.."

Yamuraiha continued her report about a new spell and a potion she mixed at her quarters. He heard the door open and saw a woman in an all to familiar blue kimono enter the room. She just stood by the door with Jafar who immediately greeted her and strike up a conversation.

"He'll be finish in a moment. Thank you for going out of your way to come and get him again."

"There is no need to be so formal, Jafar. Aren't we friends? Just disregard my current position for now. I am here like a visitor and again, a companion to King Sinbad until the summit." She explained while trying to shake off the awkwardness in the air between them. They did disappear suddenly two years ago and now an ally to the world superpower, The Kou Empire.

"It seems that I can't finish like this. I'll just report to you again after you're free." Yamuraiha's statment snapped Sinbad out of his trance. He didn't realize that he was already staring at Yukiko and Jafar at the far back side of the room.

"Take care today, my King." She giggled since she found his action cute. "Do your best!"

"Yamura--!!" He was cut off by his mage subordinate running away like  a little child.

He fell back on his chair with a small blush on his cheeks as he reflects on his action.

"Ah, it looks like he's finished with his audience." Jafar pointed out and walk towards him with Yukiko walking beside him as they continued to chat.

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