✧🌙════𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕠 𝕋𝕠𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕚════🌙✧

Start from the beginning

"Now that that long fight is over, we have another two wolves who look ready to fight." Present Mic said and then I watched in unison as the crowd looked to where he was pointing.

"On the left side, we have Alpha Inasa Yoarashi! Son of Tadaaki and Hana Yoarashi of the Senpū Pack." As usual, everyone cheered as the teenager walked out from the arch and a large smile was seen on his face as he stood where he was supposed to be.

I knew who he was. This Alpha was somewhat a bit too cheerful but I knew he didn't like me so I just sat back and waited to see who else would come out but I had a feeling that it was the green-haired male that I had met earlier today.

"On the right side, we have-" Present Mic began but then he quickly stopped. My brows furrowed in confusion when he paused and I knew everyone else was confused as well as he squinted his eyes to look at the board he was reading the names off from. He then turned to Aizawa and questioned something softly before clearing his throat and attempting to continue on.

I heard murmurs from the crowd and look down in the arena as the green-haired boy walked out from the arch. He stood in front of Yoarashi with his hand in his pocket but what was surprising, was that he didn't wait for Present Mic to continue what he was saying.

"On the left side, we have Omega Izuku Midoriya! Son of Hisashi and Inko Midoriya of the  Ōrufōwan Pack." I choked on nothing in particular when I heard his status. 

✧🌙Why did he have the scent of a Beta then?🌙My wolf asked and I was just as confused as him. The murmurs in the crowd grew louder and my eyes widen when I saw him pull a collar from his pocket and clipped it around his neck.

"Wasn't Hasashi Midoriya's son quirkless?" I heard someone asked behind me.

"I thought he was a Beta..." Someone else spoke up.

So everyone else was unaware of his real status. I mean, it doesn't really matter but why did his father keep his status a secret? Was it to keep him safe?

My thoughts went away as I watched his father stood next to mine who was still holding onto the rails. His father had a big smile on his face as he shouted into the arena at his son that he knows what he must do to prove that his status was just a mere word.

He seemed a bit like my father, too proud for his own good. I shrugged it off as I turned my attention back to the fight that was about to take place. Maybe we'll see how much he's worth.

"You already know how this goes, kids! Once the timer gets to zero, you may begin." Present Mic said and then he kept quiet. Everyone's eyes were now in the arena to see how a fight between a powerful yet oddly nice Alpha and an Omega from the number two pack was going to go. I wanted to see how this was going to go myself, so I held forward in my seat and focus on the match.

In a few seconds, the buzzer officially sounded meaning that the fight was about to start. Everyone was watching intently as the shorter of the two stood still and was basically analysing the taller male.

I could hear people behind me saying how unfair it was to put such a large Alpha against a small Omega but this one just seemed different to me. Plus, your status didn't matter when you had to fight in this arena and they knew that. Also, he didn't seem scared nor was he cowering. Instead, he shifted into his wolf and whatever his quirk was, he was immediately behind the Alpha.

He then shifted back and in a couple of seconds, the Omega had the Alpha pinned on the ground. I wasn't sure what they were saying to each but you could see their mouths moving and the evident smirk on the Alpha's face. This caused the Omega to glare at him and push his hands further into the ground.

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