Chapter 12: New Homes Are Cold

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"I believe I will take your advice and take a shower. I was unable to this morning after all," Yn announced as he opened his bag, pulling out a change in clothes and a towel for when he got out of the shower.

"Why?" she asked, though after a moment she realized. He had left his assigned room for caution that the Chinese Representative might attack him, and there were currently no separate bathrooms or showers for males. Though they had managed to make a separate locker room to change in, though the truth was that it was just one of many that was usually unoccupied.

"I-I see..." she watched as he prepared such things as shampoo, soap, and a razor. " you need yourself...?" she asked. Her weight was shifting from one foot to the other as she twirled some of her hair around her finger.

"I believe that I am capable of cleaning myself," he responded.

" that so...?" She looked very disappointed and sad. It would normally make people rethink their decision if they were in his situation, but Yn was, of course, not a normal person.

Take the chance Yn! You might not get another!

I do not understand what you mean by that.


"...perhaps I will need help," he said after a moment. He was not good at making decisions based on people's emotions. In fact, he was the worst one in the entire world since he made decisions based purely on logic and facts.

However, this one made her smile. A bright and joyous smile that almost resembled an innocent child's.

"Thanks," she walked to the kitchen "You can get in, I think I'll throw something on for us for when we get out," she told him.

"Should I help-"

"NO!" She replied quickly. "Y-you just go get a shower. I'll help in a minute or two."

Without putting much thought into her words, he left for the door on the right. Upon opening the door he stopped, looking around the enormous bathroom. The reason that there was no other door on the right side of the long hallway, was because the room was enormous. It could be considered its own apartment by the space alone. Sure the living room and kitchen/workspace were big, but this was around the same size.

...maybe a five-star hotel room...?

Yn didn't waste too much time observing the room, swiftly turning on the abnormally large shower before stripping down until the only thing that he was wearing were dogs tags that jingled around his neck.

With his single eye, Yn glanced at the mirror on the wall. His body was not what it had used to be. There were scars all along his body, the most notable was a singular giant slash going from the right side of his chest downward vertically. But a glance was just a glance, the way his body had changed over the years did not bother him in the slightest.

Soon after he had stepped into the shower, Kaede had joined him, though he did not look back, at her request of course. He knew as well, her body had also been scarred, not as bad as his, but she was self-conscious about it, which was one reason she had a towel wrapped around her even as the water cascaded down her smooth skin.

"Hey...Phantom...?" Kaede spoke up soon after she had walked into the shower with him.

"Yes? What can I do for you?" he inquired her request, and she smiled a bit at this.

"Can you..." placing a hand on his back softly, she soon wrapped both arms around him to bring him into a hug. "...please..."

"I apologize, but I did not hear what you said."

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